
Yogyakarta despite the official spelling, the name is usually pronounced and not uncommonly written Jogjakarta or just Jogja (JOG-jah) is a major tourist destination in Java, Indonesia. It is the capital of Yogyakarta Special Region, to the south of Central Java province.


Jogja is a great base for visiting Borobudur, the world's largest Buddhist structure
Prambanan, the masterpiece of Javanese Hinduism
Bank Indonesia Building

Yogyakarta is a bustling town of some 375,000 people (2020) and the most popular tourist destination on Java, largely thanks to its proximity to the temples of Borobudur and Prambanan. The city is a centre of art and education, offers some good shopping and has a wide range of tourist facilities. It is named after the city of Ayodhya in India, where Rama, an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu is said to have had his capital, and whose rule is considered by Hindus to be the epitome of good governance and a moral society.

The city (kota) of Yogyakarta is one of five districts in the semi-autonomous province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), the "Yogyakarta Special Region". The other districts are the regencies of:

This special status is thanks to the Sultanate of Hamengkubuwono, which has ruled the area since 1749 and steered the state through difficult times of occupation and revolution. During the Indonesian war of independence, Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX offered the fledgeling Indonesian government his enclave as a capital city. Yogyakarta became the revolutionary capital of the republic from 1946 to 1949 when Jakarta was still occupied by the Dutch. As a result, the newly-independent Indonesia appointed the Sultan as the governor of the province of DIY — the only one in Indonesia that is not elected directly by the people. The Indonesian central government has tried to weaken the sultan's power by calling for direct elections for the governor. The present sultan, Hamengkubuwono X, was chosen by an overwhelming majority.

Yogyakarta lies in one of the most seismically active parts of Java and has been repeatedly struck by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The worst in recent times was the earthquake of 27 May 2006, which killed over 6,000 people and flattened over 300,000 houses. The epicentre was 25 km (16 mi) south of the city, which avoided the worst of the quake. A very effective disaster recovery effort repaired most of the physical damage quickly.

Yogyakarta is full of domestic tourists during school holidays, with tourist buses on the visitor hotspots of shopping street Jl Malioboro and the northern palace square, or alun-alun, trapped in heavy traffic. Vehicles, parking and vendors contribute to the traffic jams.

Tourist information


There are three information offices, one at the airport, one at the main railway station, and this main one:

  • 1 Government Tourist Information Centre, Jl. Malioboro No.16, Suryatmajan, Danurejan (Next to Hotel Mutiara), +62 274 566000. MTh 08:0019:30, Sa 08:0018:30, Su 09:0014:30. Has maps in English and can give useful information.

Get in


By plane

  • 1 Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA  IATA). All domestic and international jet flights use this airport. There are near-hourly connections to Jakarta (50 minutes) and Denpasar, while other domestic airlines service major cities in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. There are Damri Buses and Damri Minibuses from YIA to Wojo Station for Rp10,000, to Yogyakarta city Rp40,000, to Kebumen Rp50,000 and to Magelang Rp50,000. From YIA to Yogyakarta by Damri minibus cost Rp25,000 and takes around 1.5 hr. An airport train goes to Yogyakarta Tugu Station about once an hour for Rp50,000, and takes 40 minutes. Trains can be full, so book in advance to avoid waiting. Allow about 10 minutes after clearing customs to walk to the station. Yogyakarta International Airport (Q28725656) on Wikidata Yogyakarta International Airport on Wikipedia
Adisucipto International Airport
  • 2 Adisucipto International Airport (JOG  IATA), Jl Solo (8 km (5.0 mi) east of the city), +62 274 484261. A small but busy, mostly domestic hub; it only serves domestic propeller planes to Bandung, Denpasar, and Surabaya. There is a tourist information desk and ATMs in the arrival hall. Adisucipto Airport (Q1430731) on Wikidata Adisucipto International Airport on Wikipedia

Getting into the city


Since Adisucipto International Airport is closer to the city centre, there are numerous possibilities to get into the city:

By bus
  • TransJogja bus 1A goes to the main Tugu train station and Jl Malioboro for Rp3,500. Buy the ticket at the bus stop.
By taxi

Airport taxis cost around Rp50,000 depending on destination. Pay at the desk in the arrival terminal and head for the rank. Give the receipt to your driver, there is no need for any additional payment. It is about half the price to use a taxi dropping passengers off at the departure terminal — insist on using the meter. Expect to pay the Rp2,000 airport entrance fee, even though this has already been paid by the previous passenger on the way in.

By rail

Take the KRL commuter train[dead link] that runs between Surakarta and Jogja, from Maguwo station, a few minutes' walk from airport arrivals. In Yogyakarta, the train calls at the main Tugu station, just off Jl Malioboro, and Lempuyangan station. In Solo, it calls at Balapan and Purwosari stations.

Ride-hailing services

You can use ride-hailing apps to get picked up but you will be picked up outside the airport in front of the Class I Immigration Office on Jl Solo, an eight-minute walk from the terminal.

By train

Tugu, the main railway station in Jogja
  • 3 Tugu Railway Station (Stasiun Tugu), Jl Mangkubumi No.1, +62 274 589685. The main central station, serving cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Paron, Surabaya and Solo. To check schedules and buy tickets enter from Jl Pasar Kembang (i.e., from the east end) and get a queue number from the stand facing the ticket windows. Then go to the opposite side of the room and fill out a ticket request slip, consulting the timetables on the wall to your left. You will be called to the appropriate ticket window, the announcement will be called (in Indonesian only) and displayed on the electronic sign on the wall. To check schedules and buy tickets online use tiket.com.
    • Yogyakarta and Solo are connected by the KRL commuter train[dead link]. The train stops at Prambanan station, even though it is rather far from the temple complex. The KRL also stops at Maguwo station for Adisucipto airport. A one-way trip costs Rp8,000. To ride the train, you can use a refillable multi-trip card that can be purchased at a ticket counter or vending machine at the station for Rp30,000 (initial balance contains Rp10,000). The multi-trip card is also valid for KRL commuter trains in Jakarta. Electronic money or bank-issued prepaid cards are a better alternative, as any credits are also usable for purchases at major retailers and convenience stores, the toll road, parking, and other public transportation (MRT and Transjakarta in Jakarta). Bank Mandiri's e-money or e-toll card, BCA's Flazz, BNI's tap-cash, BRI's BRIZZI, or Bank DKI's JakCard, are obtainable at the respective banks and minimarts such as Alfamart and Indomaret.
    • Trains from Jakarta take at least seven hours. The Argo-class trains (Argo Lawu and Argo Dwipangga) are the fastest and most comfortable, Rp375,000 (~8 hr, including mineral water and snacks). Taksaka is almost as good at Rp350,000. The line between Kroya and Prupuk is scenic, where the line crosses the main backbone mountains of Java. Business (Eksekutif) class trains from Jakarta (514 km (319 mi) 8 hr) now cost from Rp260,000 and from Surabaya from Rp110,000. A ticket on a 3rd class train from Jakarta to Yogyakarta costs from Rp85,000 and from Surabaya Rp50,000.
    • Passengers from Bandung to Yogyakarta can choose among 6 trains per day and need about 8-8.5 hours for the journey. You see a scenic part of Java during daylight. Mineral water and snacks are provided for Eksekutif train class.
    • Passengers from Surabaya are served by the twice-daily Sancaka service departing in the morning and afternoon.
  • 4 Lempuyangan train station (Stasiun Lempuyangan), Jl Lempuyangan. Serves economy class trains and KRL commuter trains.

By bus

Giwangan bus station in Jogja
  • 5 Giwangan Bus Station (Terminal Giwangan), Jl Imogiri Timur, Giwangan (4 km southeast of the centre), +62 274 378288, fax: +62 274 748 3333. Regular services from across Java and beyond, including Jakarta (9 hours), Bandung (6 hours), Ngawi (3.5 hours) and Surabaya (8 hours). In Jakarta, there are many bus stations like Lebak Bulus in the south, Pulo Gebang in the East and Kalideres in the west. Passengers can choose an operator departing to Yogyakarta like Safari Dharma Raya, Handoyo, and Ramayana. From Surabaya, buses for Jogja leave from Purabaya Bus Station. Operators include Sugeng Rahayu and Eka. There is also some scheduled travel available. Buses to Jogja from Bandung leave from Cicaheum terminal, travelling either directly or via Purwokerto (67 hours, Rp45,000), from where there are regular buses to Yogyakarta (45 hours, Rp30,000).

Small shuttle buses called travel ply the routes from Semarang and Solo. One such service is Joglosemar (Jogja-Solo-Semarang), Rp45,000 from Semarang, and Rp25,000 from Solo.

  • Joglosemar (Joglosemar), Jl Magelang Km 5.5, +62 274 623700. Rp25,00045,000.
  • 6 Day Trans (Gading station), Jl. MT. Haryono No.1, Suryodiningratan, Kec. Mantrijeron, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55141 (Near jalan gading gate and pasar gading), +62 274 385990. Bandung Rp450,000-610,000, Jakarta Rp350,000-355,000, Jepara Rp165,000-190,000, Semarang Rp100,000-115,000, Solo Rp50,000-65,000, Surabaya Rp205,000-220,000.
  • 7 Shuttle Damri Wisata, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Ngampilan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (ear Bank of Indonesia), +62 811-2831-540. The easiest and cheapest way to/from Borobudur. Borobudur Rp20,000.

Get around


Yogyakarta is a relatively small city, so travelling around town should not be too expensive. If you are travelling on foot, a street sign facing you at a corner indicates the name of the street you are entering, not the cross street.

By bus

TransJogja Bus Stop

Medium and small buses are the main public transport in Yogyakarta.

The TransJogja rapid transit system operates from 05:30 to 21:30 and stops only at designated shelters. They are air-conditioned and generally safe. Tickets can be bought at the kiosks, and the cost for a single trip is Rp3,600. You can buy regular trip cards which cut the per trip cost to Rp3,000, and allow transit to other shelters. Get a free route map for the TransJogja buses at the Tourist Information Centre on Jl Malioboro.

Buses other than TransJogja normally operate 06:00 to 17:00, or 21:00 for some long routes. The cost for a single trip is Rp3,000 regardless of distance (within the city). Usually on a bus there will be a driver and a helper who will hang from the side of the bus and handle money and try to attract passengers. The helper will usually tap you on the shoulder to indicate you should pay him. If there is no helper you can pay the driver directly. When you are ready to get off a bus, tell the driver or helper "kiri" (KIH-ree) which means left.

By car or motorbike


There are several car and motorbike rental agencies just outside Tugu Station, on the street that runs east-west just south of the station. A car or motorbike delivery and pick-up at the airport remain the best way to rent them.

Driving a car in Indonesia is never a rewarding experience. But for those that would like to, a Toyota Avanza or Daihatsu Xenia (6 passengers) can be rented for around Rp250,000-300,000 for 24 hours, or Rp175,000-225,000 for 12 hours. A new green car, Toyota Agya or Daihatsu Ayla, can be rented for Rp150,000 for 24 hours. Most of the companies will ask you for the driving licence and ID cards for security reasons.

Renting a car with a driver is a more relaxing proposition. A driver will cost an additional Rp50,000-200,000 a day. The cost of a car with a driver may vary depending on whether fuel is included for a set distance or for the whole itinerary. Prices are always subject to negotiation and may increase or decrease due to local demand, type and age of vehicle and your individual requirements at the time. The normal rates (not the high season/peak season) will be around Rp450,000-500,000 per 12 hours' service.

A near new semi-automatic (clutchless) motorbike can be rented for Rp60,000 per 24 hours; older bikes may come for less, and fully automatic bikes such as a Honda Vario or Yamaha Mio may sometimes cost Rp5,000-10,000 more. Many roads outside Yogyakarta are unpaved, especially around the Mount Merapi area, so many motorcycle rentals offer a semi-offroad automatic bike with a daily fee around Rp75,000.

By taxi


Yogyakarta's taxis are metered and most drivers are trustworthy. All taxis have a flagfall of Rp7,000 for the first kilometre and then Rp4,250 for every subsequent kilometre. Most trips around the centre should not cost more than Rp20,000. If you find a driver you feel comfortable with, ask for their mobile number so next time you need to travel you can call him directly. Most drivers are more than happy to do this.

By ojek


Motorcycle taxis are widespread. They usually gather at designated spots (pangkalan), where you will haggle your way to a ride. Not comfortable or convenient for carrying luggage, but quicker if the traffic is heavy.

Nowadays, organized ojek are strong competitors to taxis and ojek pangkalan. Pickup is free and you pay according to the printout from the meter. No haggling. Try:

Disability ojeks are also available in Yogyakarta. The system is run by disabled persons, including the drivers. Using motorcycles with sidecars, the can carry a person with a wheelchair. Spacious enough, so two slim non-disabled people can also use it. Try:

By ride-hailing


You can request car or motorbike rides with ride-hailing apps such as Gojek, Grab and Maxim. They are typically cheaper than taxis, have short waiting times in the central area, and are mostly straightforward to use; however, expect very little English from most drivers. When you request a car or motorbike using one of these apps, it's handy to have an Indonesian speaker to help you communicate with the driver, or learn some of the keywords and phrases used in this situation. See the Indonesian phrasebook.

By becak

Muscle-powered transport: becak

Three-wheeled pedal-powered trishaws or pedicabs, known as becak (BAY-cha'), can be found in most parts of Yogyakarta, for shortish journeys (remember there is some poor guy pedalling away behind you). Haggle furiously before getting in. Be sure to determine whether the price is for a one-way or return (pulang) trip and if you want the driver to wait while you conduct your shopping or business. The journey from within the city to the Malioboro shopping precinct should not cost more than Rp10,000.

By andong


The two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage is still found in Jogja. While happy to do a tourist jaunt, they are mostly used by the Jogjanese for shortish trips around their neighbourhoods, to and from the market, for example. There is also a "Grab Andong" service which you can order via the app and can be ordered along the Malioboro area.

On foot


As in the rest of Indonesia, walking in Jogja is probably one of the least convenient and least popular ways of transport, with two remarkable exceptions:

  • Jalan Malioboro, with its vibrant street life, colourful shop facades, large walkways and street artists;
  • The charming Kampung Taman Sari neighborhood containing the remains of the Taman Sari Water Castle.


The bird market

Being one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, Yogyakarta has many heritage buildings and monuments and the centre was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2023.

The number one must-see attraction is Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono's palace, better known as Kraton Ngayogyakarta. Near the palace are a number of other heritage buildings : the BNI '46 building, the Central Post Office and Bank Indonesia.

Other notable landmarks and attractions are:

  • 1 Benteng Vredeburg (Vredeburg Fort), Jl Jenderal Ahmad Yani No.6, +62 274 586934, +62 274 510996. A Dutch fort in front of Gedung Agung (the President's Palace). A great example of Dutch colonial architecture. A few military items are presented, including a twin cannon. Closed for renovation until May 2024 by Indonesian Heritage Agency. Fort Vredeburg (Q2551916) on Wikidata Fort Vredeburg Museum on Wikipedia
  • 2 Kotabaru. The Dutch officials' residential area has some heritage homes, a colonial style church, monastery (Gereja Kotabaru), and a stadium (Stadion Kridosono). Kotabaru (Q12492382) on Wikidata
  • 3 Kotagede. The capital of the ancient Islamic Mataram kingdom. The tomb of its first king, Panembahan Senopati, is here in the royal graveyard. Before independence, Kotagede was Jogja's economic centre, as it had the largest market and was home to many wealthy batik merchants. Some of the older buildings have been modernised or replaced with newer buildings, but Kotagede remains a prime example of Javanese architecture and city structure. Check out the local silver handicrafts.
  • 4 Tugu Monument. A downtown landmark. Built by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI, the spire was originally a sphere representing the universe. During the colonial era, the spire was replaced with a golden cylinder.

The Kraton


The Sultan's palace or Kraton encompasses the main palace, the sultan's residential buildings, two alun-alun (palace squares), and a large residential area where the sultan's servants used to live.

At night, the 'alun-alun' is ablaze with the lights of decorated chariots
  • 5 Northern alun-alun (Alun-alun utara). Built for training the Sultan's army, it was opened to the public during the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Now used for the quarterly Garebeg parade held in the months of Maulud, Besar and Sawal, according to the Javanese calendar. In the parade, the Sultan's servants carry huge cone-shaped offerings to the alun-alun. After the parade, attendees scramble to get a scrap of the offering as it is believed to bring good luck. Prior to the month of Maulud, a popular public fair is held here for 30 days, offers many kinds of goods from traditional handicrafts to Chinese ceramics. A snack associated with the fair is the doughnut-like galundeng. On weekend or holiday nights, pedal cars decorated with lights (gowes) can be hired to make a circuit of the square.
  • 6 Kraton Yogyakarta. Sa-Th 08:0013:00, F 08:0011:00. A calm and elegant example of Javanese heritage with two separate entrances; the Main Court (Pagilaran and Siti Hinggil) and the Residence. The Main Court showcases the grandeur of the Sultan's monarchy, while the Residence is more homely, showcasing the royal family's luxurious lifestyle. There are regular free performances of music and dance. Check out the times when you arrive in Yogajakarta. (Every Sunday at 11:00 as of Oct 2015). There are three gamelans in the palace, and the pavilion nearest the entrance houses one of them. If it is being played, feel free to take a seat and enjoy it for a while. Residence museum has both Indonesian and English texts, and AC. Temporary exhibition Mar-Aug 2024 on Abhimantra or life rites of passage (part where no photo allowed). Small exhibition on the history of tea in Indonesia too (Indonesian text only). Without guide, no map or sign to help explore the larger grounds. The Residence: Rp25,000 (non-Indonesian resident) or Rp10,000 (Indonesian resident), Rp1,000 extra for a photo. You might be offered a trip to the 'sultan's servants' batik workshop'. This is a scam that will only bring you to a regular batik shop with inflated prices.
  • 7 Carriage Museum (Museum Kereta). Houses the Sultan's horse-drawn carriages, including two beautiful carriages imported from the Netherlands and known as Golden Carriages (kereta kencana). Foreigners: adult Rp30,000, child Rp25,000; domestic: adult Rp20,000, children Rp15,000.
  • 8 Water Castle (Taman Sari), Jl Taman, Kraton. daily 09:0015:00. This is a partly-ruined complex built as a pleasure garden by the first Sultan in 1765. One of the bathing pools was dedicated to the sultan's harem, and he had a tower overlooking the area so he could take his pick. Towards the back is the original entrance to the pools, a small dock connected to a long-since-vanished river; a bit of snooping beyond this entrance will get you to a back street, where one can visit a fascinating network of tunnels and rooms, including an Escher-like series of interlacing staircases over what looks like a disused well. Foreigners adult Rp25,000, child 20,000, domestic adult 15,000, children 10,000. Photo session like prewedding Rp150,000-500,000. Entrance fee does not cover the guide, who will expect tips. Taman Sari (Q3135945) on Wikidata Taman Sari (Yogyakarta) on Wikipedia
Wayang kulit (shadow puppet show)
  • Siti Hinggil Selatan. This somehow-muted palace is rarely used for forml occasions. You can catch a shadow puppet performance during weekend mornings and nights. There is no admission charge for the show and you can come and go as you please, which you may well want to do as the show is long and somewhat difficult to follow if you do not speak Indonesian.

Also worth seeing is the prince's palace to the SE of the main palace.

  • 9 Masjid Gede Kauman. One of the oldest and largest mosques in Yogyakarta. Located on the west of Alun-alun Utara, this mosque was where the Sultan performs his religious rites and ceremonies.

Yogyakarta was designed so that the main elements of the city form an imaginary line. This straight line starts from Parangtritis on the coast, through the Kraton and Tugu Monument, and finally to Mount Merapi. This represents the Sultan's strong relationship with the guardian spirits of Mount Merapi and the ocean at Parangtritis.


  • 10 Sonobudoyo Museum (Museum Sonobudoyo), Jl Trikora No.6 (by the northern alun-alun), +62 274 76775, +62 274 373617, fax: +62 274 385664. Many Javanese artefacts like wayang puppets, masks, statues, textiles, weapons, and a full set of gamelan instruments. Worth a visit if you have some extra time in Yogya, or you are interested in studying Javanese culture. Wayang kulit performances are given every Tuesday night 20:00-21:30, accompanied by gamelan. Museum has both Indonesian and English texts. Museum: foreigners Rp20,000, adult Rp10,000, children Rp5,000; performances: foreigners Rp50,000, domestic Rp20,000. Sonobudoyo Museum (Q4271636) on Wikidata Sonobudoyo Museum on Wikipedia
  • 11 Dr. Yap Prawirohusodo Museum, Jl. Cik Di Tiro No.5, Terban, Gondokusuman, +62 274 562054. M-Sa 09:00-14:00. A medical museum was built in 1922.
  • 12 Yogyakarta Batik Museum (Museum Batik Yogyakarta), Jl. Dr Sutomo 13A, Bausasran (near Lempuyangan Station), +62-274-562338. M-Sa 09:00-15:00. A batik museum was built in 1979. Rp30,000.

Art galleries



  • Horse-drawn carriage rides traditional horse-drawn carriages, the four-wheeled andhong and the two-wheeled horsecart call dokar, wait for tourists outside hotspots like the train station, the Kraton and Mal Malioboro. Haggle furiously. The traditional route is from Jl Malioboro to the Kraton. Andhong often want to take you to shop for fake Dagadu t-shirts at hefty prices in Ngasem. The cost for a round trip is about Rp20,000. They usually ask for Rp30,000 but may settle for less. While andhong primarily serve the tourist market, dokar are used more generally by the Jogjanese but are still happy to give you a tourist jaunt. Andhong can hold up to five adults, while a dokar will take about two only.
  • Masangin (masuk antara dua beringin, passing between the two banyan trees) you can play this simple, fun game on the southern alun-alun. Participants are blindfolded and must walk straight between the two ancient banyan trees. It sounds easy but most participants usually fail.
  • Reflexology achieve soothing experience by having a short reflexology massage. One of the hippest among Jogjanese.
  • Street chess when it's quiet, particularly around the end of Jalan Malioboro near the Kraton, the becak drivers will play chess on the street with large wooden sets. You are welcome to challenge them and it's fun. This is how they pass the time between fares, so some play for several hours each day - you'll be up against some stiff competition. Don't offer or accept any bets on the outcome - it takes the fun out of a good way to interact with the locals and pass the time.
  • Sunday morning on the university boulevard every Sunday, the main boulevard in the Gadjah Mada university campus is thronged with students, joggers and martial arts enthusiasts. Get there between 07:00-09:00 for a bit of exercise. After that, replace the calories you lost by sampling the foods from the many stalls. The choice includes opor ayam' (chicken curry with rice cake), bubur ayam (rice porridge with chicken), 'siomay (fish dumplings) and sate ambal (chicken satay with tempeh sauce). Don't forget to check the flea market nearby.
  • Yoga & meditation widely available including:



Jogja is a city of education as well as culture.



Jogja is a home to at least four universities. It may be possible for non-Indonesians to study at these universities through the Indonesian-government Dharmasiswa scheme. Studies in Indonesian performing arts are a particular focus for recipients of this support.

Art courses

  • 5 Sanggar Seni Kinanti Sekar, JL. Brigjend Katamso, Prawirodirjan GM II/1226 Gondomanan (in the same place as Kelas Pagi Yogyakarta). 15:00-21:00. A place where you could learn both Javanese and Modern dance, and also Macapat and Javanese language (both speaking and writing).

Language courses


Jogja is well-known for its language schools. There are many to choose from, including:

  • 6 Wisma Bahasa, Jl Affandi, Gang Bromo No.15A, Mrican, Caturtunggal, Depok, +62 274 561627, +62 274 520341, +62 851 0147-8518, +62 817 545-1406, fax: +62 274 561627, +62 274 520341, . The oldest Indonesian language course in Yogyakarta Special Region, since 1982. Provides Indonesian, Javanese, Tetum, and English courses. Branches in Jakarta and Bali. Offers e-learning.



Jogja is the home of batik, traditional wayang puppets, sculpture, ceramics and silverware. Handicrafts from outside Jogja can also be found. Alternatively, as a modern city, there are stylish malls offering interesting goods and services at a reasonable cost.

Jalan Malioboro, lined with batik, handicraft and fashion stores
  • 1 Jalan Malioboro. Well-known shopping street very popular with domestic and international tourists alike. Stretching from Tugu train station in the north to the alun-alun in the south, it is 2 km long and home to hundreds of shops and street stalls offering all kinds of handicrafts. The street is partly pedestrianised and no motorbike parking is allowed. Motorbikes can be parked in the Abu Bakar Ali area from where there are two free shuttle buses to Malioboro. Malioboro Street (Q2742133) on Wikidata Jalan Malioboro on Wikipedia


  • 2 Monggo Chocolate, Jl Dalem KG III/978, Purbayan, Kotagede,, +62 274 373192. daily 08:00-17-00. Chocolate factory.
  • 3 Tjokrosuharto, Jl. Panembahan Angkurat 58, +62 274 375208. This handicraft shop opens its door for business in 1954 and still operating today. It offers a large selection of Javanese handicrafts such as wayang kulit (leather puppet), wayang golek (wooden puppet), batik, keris, silverware, sculptures, and traditional outfits.
  • 4 Dagadu, Malioboro Mall (lower ground floor). Offers funny contemporary t-shirts and souvenirs that revolves around Yogyakarta people's culture.
  • 5 Ciamis Art Shop, Jl Malioboro No.153. 09:00 -13:00 and 18:00 - 20:00. Shadow puppets, masks, carvings, and more at fixed prices that are lower than in the market.
  • Nadzar, Jl Malioboro No.187. Huge souvenir shop specializing in batik, art, jewellery, and more. Has every souvenir you could imagine at fixed prices.



There are some excellent batik galleries selling hand-made paintings on cotton and silk. The cloth folds up easily for transport and can be ironed later. There are also several scams which you should avoid. Authentic batik should look vivid on both sides of the cloth; whereas stamped batik will only look vivid on one side. To get the best price, visit a gallery where they grade the quality of the pieces, usually using a scale from A-Z. Prices range from Rp50,000 for A (small student paintings), to Rp1,000,000 for Z paintings (usually large pieces done by master artists). You may be able to haggle an extra 25% off the marked price. Beware shops which buy and resell the paintings, marking up the prices for Z-level artwork to Rp8,000,000 — this is massively overpriced.

  • 6 Hamzah Batik (Mirota Batik), Jl Ahmad Yani No.9 (opposite Beringharjo market), +62 274 588524, +62 274 518127, +62 274 547016. The large family-owned store offers plenty of handicrafts, not only from Yogyakarta but also from all parts of Indonesia.
  • Ori Art Gallery. A reputable batik painting shop with a large selection and fair prices, and you can usually watch an artist there demonstrating the fascinating and meticulous technique.

Traditional markets

  • 7 Pasar Beringharjo (Beringharjo Market), Jl Pabringan No.1 (north of Vredeburg Fort). The largest traditional market in town. The vendors sell many kind of goods, ranging from basic household items (vegetables, fruit, meat) to many kind of handicrafts. Haggle furiously.
  • 8 Pasar Ngasem (Ngasem market), Jl. Polowijan No.11, Patehan, Kraton (next to Taman Sari Yogyakarta). 05:00-16:00. It used to be a market that sold fowls. In 2010, it was relocated to Pasar Satwa dan Tanaman Hias Yogyakarta (PASTHY) Dongkelan, and now Ngasem market sells daily goods, traditional snacks and souvenirs. Free. Ngasem Market (Q16746872) on Wikidata

Shopping malls & supermarkets

  • 9 Malioboro Mall, Jl Malioboro No.52-58, +62 274 551888, fax: +62 274 588242. Yogyakarta's premier shopping mall for shopping in hassle-free, air-con comfort. Features a large Matahari department store, a Hero supermarket (B1F), a Periplus book store with a good English selection (B1F), and all the usual suspects of Western and Indonesian fast food (McDonald's, Pizza Hut, KFC, EsTeler 77, etc.) Home to the largest Dagadu outlet. (Q12496402) on Wikidata
  • 10 Galleria Mall, Jl Jendral Sudirman 99-101, +62 274 583661, fax: +62 274 583711. A compact mall anchored by Matahari department store. The food court at the basement is popular among the youths. Features many interesting restaurant including KFC, McDonald's Express, Thai Express, Bakso Gress (Chinese meatballs served with noodles), Mie Nusantara, Bee's (Japanese Bento), Es Teler 77, and Cheers Cup (assortments of fresh drinks).
  • 11 Ramai Mall and Ramai Supermarket, Jl Jendral Ahmad Yani No.73, +62 274-562482. 09:0020:00. Big department store. The least expensive A/C supermarket in Jogja. low prices.
  • 12 Mirota kampus dept store and supermaket, Jl Simanjuntak No.70, +62 274-561254. 09:00-20:00. low prices..
  • 13 Progo -Mall & Progo Supermarket. (Toko Progo), Jl Mayor Suryotomo No.29, +62 274 513419, . daily 08:3021:00. Has operated since 1968. low prices.


Sweet & chilli cuisine

It's not a big secret to Indonesian people that Yogyakarta people adore sweet foods. The local dish known as gudeg, for example, is distinctively sweet in flavor. Local snacks, such as bakpia and yangko, are extremely sweet. However, not every local dish is sweet. Krecek—the orange-ish fried beef often served with gudeg—is challengingly hot for the untrained tongue. Lodeh made by the locals, though often considered 'too sweet' by other Indonesians, also has a hint of a fiery chili taste. It's a good idea to ask the food vendor whether the dish is hot or not. For those who are just curious, simply ask them to omit the chilli from the dish and serve it separately. This way you can still taste the original flavor of the dish, but add the chili only if you want it.

Yogyakarta food used to be known for its sweetness. However, as more and more people move to Jogja, the city starts seeing more diversity in flavor. Now you can find many kinds of interesting dishes, from sweet, spicy, to fiery. Sometimes a fusion from other cuisines such as Chinese or Western can be found. Since the influx of people from around the country, you can find some restaurants and cafes that open until 23:00 in the centre.

If you want to eat the traditional way, head to Malioboro for a lesehan dinner in front of the closed shophouses, similar to the Japanese eating style on a tatami, but you sit on a mat and eat with your hands (you can ask for cutlery though). The food is ready to serve, vegetables, fried and grilled meat (satay, seafood) are the most common, served with white rice. You can also order traditional gudeg. While this is a favorite among locals for the mingle for hours, do not expect very cheap prices.

Local delicacies


The following dishes are recommended:

  • Gudeg, a sweet and dry curry of jackfruit, chicken and egg served with rice, and the most famous local dish. Goopy slop in various shades of brown, the stuff does not look particularly appetizing, but it can be tasty if done right. There are many gudeg restaurants, but the most popular are: Gudeg Wijilan, Gudeg Juminten, Gudeg Bu Tjitro, Gudeg Tugu, Gudeg Bu Ahmad. If you can wake up early in the morning, you may find small stalls serving Gudeg just at the corner of the street, or close to traditional markets. If you can't sleep at night, you can go to Jalan Janturan and enjoy the Gudeg Pawon (enjoying gudeg inside the old style kitchen) that open in late night. Due to the heavy fiber content of young jackfruit and the thick coconut milk, those who have a weak stomach may have trouble with gudeg.
  • Ayam geprek, the original can be found just outside the city limit at Ayam Geprek Bu Rum, deep-fried chicken with crispy batter which is then crushed under pestle along with chili peppers, salt, and garlic and served with rice. Various side dish can be added to the chicken such as grated cheddar, fried eggplant, tempeh, or tofu.
  • Oseng mercon, spicy stir fried beef and offal.
  • Brongkos, sweet beef and bean in a keluak nut soup.
  • Enthok slenget, spicy muscovy duck soup.
  • Nasi langgi, locally known as sego langgi (langgi rice). Warm rice served with various side dishes. Can be found in small stall in Gandekan St.
  • Kipo, bite-size snacks made of green tapioca dough filled with sweetened grated coconut. Can be found in Kotagede.
  • Bakpia, another bite-size snack made from sweetened green bean paste wrapped with thin dough pastry. The most popular bakpia is known as Bakpia Patuk, which not surprisingly, are sold in Pathuk street, also known as Jl. Aip K.S. Tubun.
  • Jadah tempe, sandwich of rice cake and sweet beancake. Can be found in Kaliurang.
  • Es rujak or rujak es krim, a fruit salad made from mangos, papayas, apples, pineapples, cucumbers etc., mixed with palm sugar, lime juice, salt, chillies and (of course) ice cream (es krim). All flavours (sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty) in one plate. In case you are at UGM campus, have a look along Jalan Kaliurang. Small foodstalls sell es rujak there (only very late morning to early afternoon). If you are not close to UGM, keep your eyes open.


Pasar Tiban Kauman

During the Ramadan fasting season, the local residents at Kauman area open a temporary market selling many kinds of appetizing snacks and dishes. This market is not only great for sampling local foods, but also great for experiencing old architecture as it is set on a long pathway of a classic Javanese neighborhood. It opens at around 15:00 and closes at 18:00, as the foods are meant to be eaten for breaking the fasting at dusk. Consuming the food in the area before dusk, even if you are not fasting, is considered inappropriate. Kauman means the place for preachers since it is in the same block of the Masjid Agung (the sultan's royal mosque). It was home to many Islamic leaders such as Ahmad Dahlan, the founder of the mainstream Muhammadiyah movement.

Yogyakarta is a heaven of inexpensive foods, and some tasty and filling dishes can cost as little as Rp5,000. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of hawker stalls offering inexpensive foods.

  • 1 Angkringan Tugu (Angkringan Lik Man), Jl Wongso Dirjan (to the north of Tugu station.). 18:00–04:00. Famous for its small rice packets (sego kucing). Drink kopi joss, strong Javanese coffee heated by dropping a piece of glowing charcoal into it. Rp1,000–6,000.
  • 2 Bakmi Jawa Harjo Geno (just off Prawirotaman II street). Be prepared to wait up to two hours! Tip: if you think that fried noodles go well with beer, you can grab a Bintang at the nearby Tante Lies restaurant.
  • Gudeg Tugu, Jl. Diponegoro (close to Kranggan marketplace). 19:00-01:00. Popular Gudeg stall. A complete dish consists of: warm rice, shredded chicken, brown hard-boiled egg, gudeg, areh sauce, and the hot & spicy sambal goreng krecek. Rp7,000-10,000.
  • Kamikoti Cafe, Ngadisuryan No 4, Alun-alun Selatan. Serving good quality milk, coffee & tea at affordable prices, near Masangin and the Taman Sari complex. From Rp5,000.
  • 3 Rame Rame Vegetarian, Jl Beskalan (ho south on Malioboro from Tugu station until you reach an intersection with a large Ramayana store, then turn right (west) onto Beskalan, continue for about 200 m; the restaurant is on the right (south) side of the street; there is a faded red banner advertising vegetarian food). A very small restaurant with meat and vegetarian options and owned by a very friendly woman. Has a delicious soup, noodles, mushrooms, vegetables, meatballs and cilantro for Rp9,000.
  • Rumah Makan Es Ceria, Jl. Gandekan Lor No. 42 (close to Sraswijyan, just go west from the hotels and turn left). Great, cheap food including a smorgasbord where you choose what you like and then the cashier estimates a price. Tasty and cheap. Also ice desserts and fruit shakes.
  • 4 Sagan Super Sambal, Jl Sagan I no. 5 and Jl Timoho no. 111 (go east from Tugu Jogja, to Jl. Jendral Sudirman. At the first crossroad (with Gramedia in the corner), turn left (north) to Jl. Cik Ditiro. After 350 m turn right and go straight on until the end of the road with a T-junction; you will see the restaurant in the right corner of the T-junction), +62 274 589279. 09:00-17:00. Specialising in sambal, the Indonesian delicacy of spicy, hot chilli infused sauce. Also, Indonesian-style beef ribs. Rp5,000-30,000.
  • Soto Pak Soleh, Tegalrejo (near Diponegoro Museum). This well-known restaurant is Pak Soleh's family business and is now operated by his son. They only serve Yogyakarta-style beef soup as their main menu, which has a spicy taste from ginger. Rp5,000.
  • Waroeng Jepara, Jl. Wolter Monginsidi 49, Jogjakarta. Famous for their traditional Jepara flavours (only warung in Jogjakarta that serves Jepara food), this modern-furnished warung is run by friendly locals. Speciality includes "pecil pari" (spicy stingray), "bothok tahu" (tofu in papaya leaf) and "sayur lodeh" (jackfruit soup). Rp5,000-30,000.
  • Xtra Hot, Jl Main, Kaliurang (next to BCA Bank). A local tent (tenda) restaurant specialising in grilled food, with a good variety of sambals (chili) to choose from, yet with good prices. From Rp4,500.
  • Pempek Ulu Bundar (near Mirota crossroad). serves delicious pempek and kakap meat ball soup. Most expensive menu is Rp5,000.
  • The House of Raminten, Jl. Faridan Muridan Noto 7 (next to Mirota Bakery, can be reached using Trans Jogja bus). Javanese restaurant with traditional food like jamu godhog (Indonesia's herbal recipe). From Rp5,000.
  • Dapur Solo, Jl Demangan Baru No. 1.. Special Yogyakarta and Jawa Tengah delicacies. Famous here are nasi timlo and nasi liwet.
  • 5 Soto Kadipiro (Soto Kadipiro Pusat), Jl Wates No.31, Gang Darussalam, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan, Bantul, +62 274 618722.
  • 6 Empek-Empek Kamto, Jl. Beskalan 3 (opp to Ramai Shopping Mall's south entrance), +62 274 514294. Originating from Palembang, deep-fried fish cake and served with sour soy sauce. There are many varieties of empek-empek: kapal selam (means submarine) comes with boiled eggs inside, adaaan/bulat has a garlic taste, while lenggang is an empek-empek omelette.
  • Bakmi Kadin, Jl. Bintaran Kulon 3. Javanese style soft-fried noodles. Don't miss the popular wedang bajigur, a local beverages made from warm coconut milk with subtle ginger flavour and garnished with diced coconut and kolang-kaling. Local kroncong street quartet often performs in the area. Rp18,000-20,000.
  • Sate Karang, Lapangan Karang, Kotagede. 17:00-22:30. Grilled beef satay served with lontongs (rice cake), peanut sauce and thin curry soup. Rp15,000.
  • 7 Mie Ayam Bu Tumini, Jl. Imogiri Tim. No.187, Giwangan, +62 274 410334. 10:00-17:00. A mie ayam (chicken noodles) with thick gravy sauce. Start from Rp8,000.


  • 8 Easy Groovy (Easy Groovy Restaurant & Bar), Jl. Prawirotaman 43, +62 274 4284 123, . 12:00-01:00. A beautiful restaurant & bar on a lively spot with a nice terrace. serving tasty Mexican, Indonesian and Western dishes in a comfortable and warm atmosphere. Also a great place to sit on the terrace to enjoy a drink. Happy Hour until 19:00 discount on beers, wine and cocktails. Wifi is free of charge. Live Music on the weekends from 8:30pm. mains from Rp45,000.
  • FoodFezt, Jl. Kaliurang km 5.5, +62 274 554554. Many kinds of local Indonesian foods: Nasi kebuli, nasi merah, soto betawi, sate buntel, mushroom satay and also dessert-like pancakes, and ice creams. It has a garden with lots of bamboo trees and other plants. The waiters use wireless gadgets to serve their customers in order to maintain a 'paperless' order system.
  • Gudeg Sagan, An eating place in Jalan Sagan (in front of Toko Sagan Baru) offering rice, seasoned porridge, gudeg, areh sauce, sambal goreng krecek, complete with chicken and brown hard-boiled egg.
  • 9 Gudeg Wijilan Yu Djum, Jl. Wijilan 31, Kraton & Jalan Kaliurang km 4.5, Karangasem CT III/22, +62 274 515968. A more lavish variety of Gudeg, served with thicker sauce, and more expensive as well.
  • 10 Kedai Rakjat Djelata (as you exit Lempuyangan station walk left, cross the main street (under the bridge) and go right;total walking time 5 minutes). Javanese cuisine with a modern twist. Tasty food in a nice setting, yet not expensive.
  • Kedai Tiga Nyonya, Jl. Jendral Sudirman 16, +62 274 589315. 10:00-22:00. Peranakan food restaurant, a fusion of Indonesian, Chinese and Dutch cuisine. Their speciality is grilled fish, sour ribs soup and candlenut chicken. Rp20,000-50,000.
  • 11 Kesuma Restaurant, Jl. Sartono No.829, Mantrijeron 3 (cross street Jalan Surami), +62 812 29 42 66 85. M-Sa 11:00-14:30, 18:00-22:00; only available for reservations. Local home cooking in the familiarity of a typical Kampung house. Rp80,000 - 150,000.
  • 12 Mie Bandung. Despite the name, this is not a noodle restaurant, but rather a Chinese restaurant. Don't expect authentic Chinese food, but rather Indonesian-Chinese. The wonton is really good though, and they also serve beer! If you find yourself craving Chinese food in Jogja, this is one of the few places you can go to.
  • Pesona Rasa, Jalan Aip. II K. S. Tubun no. 15, +62 274 7001471. A nice Chinese food family restaurant. Serves delicious and fresh Chinese dishes such as: fried rice, fried noodle, tofu, fresh capjay and vegetables. In Pathuk area, 5 minutes from Malioboro. With friendly service and wallet-friendly prices.
  • Quali Resto, Plaza Ambarrukmo, 3rd floor, near the foodcourt. Serves various kind of Chinese dishes, but their specialty is kwetiaw (wide noodles). Rp20,000.
  • Sapi Bali, Jl. Umbul Permai, Mudal, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, +62 274 7858938. Serves Balinese style ribs, although a little too hot and spicy for some foreigners. If you do not like hot and spicy food, opt for the Soy Sauce Ribs. Rp25,000.
  • Sendang K Pitoe, +62 274 747 1114. A famous shrimp and sea food restaurant located on the outskirts of the city, specifically Jamur, Minggir, Sleman. Very delicious fried shrimp served fresh from the ponds in the still relatively untouched village. Should not be confused with the nearby Mang Engking, also a shrimp restaurant with an ill-earned reputation for dirty food.
  • 13 Takigawa. Japanese restaurant that also serves shabu-shabu (Japanese hot pot).
  • Via Via, Jl. Prawirotaman, An excellent traveller's cafe, there are clocks on the wall showing the time in other Via Via cafes around the world and a mix of travellers and Indonesian locals. Offers a range of western dishes (good French onion soup) and specialty Indonesian dishes at a good price. Caters very well to vegetarians (tofu and tempe). Cane chairs and lots of space and games. Rp30,000-100,000.



Jogja has many 'high-end' restaurants serving western to Asian to Asian-fusion cuisines.

  • Royal Garden Restaurant, Jl. Pekapalan 7, Alun-Alun Utara, +62 274 386767, +62 274 373343. Chinese-Indonesian dishes with kraton-style atmosphere. Rp40,000-80,000.
  • 14 Mediterranea, Jl. Tirtodipuran No.24a Mantrijeron Yogyakarta 55143, +62274371052. 08:00-23:00. Serves French and Mediterranean dishes. Open all day, serving breakfast before midday. Sells espresso and has a wide range of fresh juices available. Also includes a small specialty shop with imported goods and fresh baked bread and pastries. Best croissants in Jogja. main course Rp100,000-300,000, breakfast Rp37,000-70,0000, pizza Rp53,000-81,000, dessert Rp35,000-45,000.





Usually all clubs are willing to give free entry before midnight if you call and ask for a guestlist, unless on an important event night.

  • 1 Republic, +62 274 566353. Hotel INNA Garuda, Jl. Malioboro 60. DJs and live music.
  • Embassy, +62 274 484950. In Sheraton Hotel complex area (there's a tunnel connecting the club). Entrance fee around Rp35,000-100,000, depends on the event. Full set DJs. Music ranges from trance, house, to dubstep. The drinks are genuine, but are pretty pricey. Have a weekly discount night called Monday Madness 50% off. Usually they have free drinks from 22:00-02:00 on the last Thursday of every month with a fee of Rp100,000/person.
  • Platinum, Jl. Sudirman.
  • Cubic, Demangan.
  • SUGAR Executive Club, Jl. Tentara Pelajar (Indoluxe Hotel).
  • Terrace, Seturan (near STIE YKPN).

Lounges & bars


Lounges and cafes are found throughout Indonesia's trendy inner city environments.

  • 2 Easy Garden, Jl. Suryodiningratan 10, +62 274 4284 123, . 12:00–01:30. Cosy beanbags in a lush garden or sitting under grape pergola. Offers shisha as well for Rp75,000. Live music Th-Sa nights from 21:00. Free plunge pool, billiard table & wifi. Cocktails Rp45-90,000, beers Rp25-65,000.
  • Corner of Jl. Parangtritis & Prawirotaman A bunch of casual street bars are found here, some of them with loud music and bar girls.



There are hundreds of hotels in Jogja. All the major international and national chains are represented — Accor, Sheraton, Hyatt, Melia — but there is much of local interest at all budget levels.

Budget under Rp250,000


Most of the budget accommodation is on Jl Sosrowijayan (adjacent to Jl Malioboro) and in the Jl Prawirotaman area, about 3 km (1.9 mi) to the south of the centre.

Malioboro and Sosrowijayan


Many backpackers find places to stay on the alleys around Gang Sosrowijayan, close to the Tugu train station and Jl Malioboro. Gang-3 is a red light area. The 'losmen' tariff is from Rp100,000 a day in low season and up to Rp250,000 a day for a losmen with facilities: aircon, en-suite bathroom and TV. The gangs are 10-15 minutes walk from the train station. If you follow one of the touts advertising cheap accommodation your stay might be more expensive as they will get a commission for bringing you there.

  • 1 Andrea Hotel, Sosrowijayan Wetan GT I/140, Gang 2, +62 274 563502, +62 813 2858-5516, . Across the street from Setia Kawans alley, clean, friendly European owner, bar facilities, A/C rooms and fan rooms. Each room has a private bathroom with shower, western toilet and sink. Credit cards accepted. Rp140,000 to285,000 including breakfast.
  • 2 Bladok Losmen & Restaurant, Jl Sosrowijayan No.76, +62 274 560452. A small hotel with clean and comfortable rooms, traditionally designed. All rooms have a private bathroom attached. Rooms with a balcony are available. Double room with fan & hot shower Rp140,000. A basic room is about Rp100,000.
  • 3 Bunk Bed And Breakfast, Jl Wahid Hasyim No.23, Nagampilan, +62-274-383033. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 11:00. Air-con 4/8 bed dorms with own/outside bathroom. Free WiFi and breakfast. from Rp75,000 per person.
  • 4 Edotel, Jl Kenari No.4, +62 274 558436. Neat hotel run by students of the vocational high school next door so all the income benefits the school. The beds are big and cozy, and it's in a great part of town, near the center but quiet. The student staff are wonderful and there are hot showers and Wi-Fi in all rooms. In a fairly conservative Muslim part of town - couples will not be able to share a room unless they are married, even same sex friends sharing a room can be problematic.
  • 5 La Javanaise Homestay, Sosrowijayan Wetan Gt 1/187, +62 274 556054. Very friendly and welcoming place to stay near Jl Malioboro. Includes breakfast. Rp150,000.
  • 6 Losmen Candi, Jl Pasar Kembang No. 5 (very close to Tugu Station), +62 817 4121 1997. Clean and tidy with various options to suit the budget traveller including 4-person rooms. from Rp100,000.
  • 7 Losmen Nuri, Jl Sosrowijayan Wetan GT I/77, +62 274 543654. Very clean rooms, nicely decorated and a good atmosphere, rooms with shared or own bathroom. From Rp100,000 (negotiable).
  • 8 Lotus Losmen, Sosrowijayan Wetan GT I/167 (from Sosrowijayan take the alley past Monica hotel, take a right, a left into ever smaller alleys), +62 274 515090. Quiet place deep in the back alleys of Sosrowijayan. Friendly owner will make you a nice breakfast. Small but cozy roof terrace. Rooms are clean with attached bathroom. Good WiFi. Rp100,000 (fan), Rp140,000 (A/C).
  • 9 Monica Hotel, Jl Sosrowijayan GT1/192, +62 274 580598. Renovated, clean place. Make sure to insist on getting a receipt and keeping it for the duration of your stay in the city. Rp60,000 standard room with fan and attached hot water bathroom, includes breakfast, toast and coffee/tea. Rp100,000 for 4 occupants room with fan and attached hot water bathroom.
  • 10 The Munajat Backpacker, Jl Malioboro 26 (5 min walk from Tugu train station), +62 274 585138, . 5 rooms with fan and attached bathroom, 4 rooms with fan and separate bathroom. Free WiFi. dorm bed Rp75,000.
  • 11 Sante Commune, Jl Nyai Ahmad Dahlan No 17 (walk or take rickshaw from train station), +62 819 9847 1235, . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. Small hostel in the city center, walking distance to Malioboro, Museums, Sultan Palace, Water Castle. Free WiFi. dorm bed Rp70,000, private room from Rp130,000.
  • 12 Setia Kawan, Sosrowijayan Wetan GT.1/27, +62 274 512452. Artistic hotel down one of the two main alleyways close to the train station. Clean, comfortable, and imaginatively decorated rooms without windows (think Dali meets Indonesia). Down the street is the owner's restaurant, offering a variety of Indonesian and vegetarian meals for cheap. If you stay at the rooftop be quiet, otherwise you may be kicked out without warning. Often full. From Rp110,000, including breakfast.
  • 13 Yogyakarta BnB, Jl Sastrodipuran No.19, +6281998471232, . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. Not really a hostel, feels like home. Managed by Indonesian travellers knowledgeable about the needs of other travellers. Serves awesome local breakfast. They change the breakfast menu daily. In the quiet part of the city center. Close to train staion. Free Wi-Fi, drinking water, tea and coffee. You can also use their kitchen to cook. Dorm from Rp70,000. Private room from Rp110,000. Breakfast Rp20,000.
  • 14 Hotel Oryza, Jl. Sosrowijayan (Right across from the Bladok.). A lovely traditional Javanese house with internal courtyards. Clean rooms, laid back atmosphere, free coffee and tea. Basic rooms Rp140,000 with shared bathroom. Standard room with internal bathroom and A/C Rp190,000. OYO 90676 Oryza Hotel (Q111068724) on Wikidata


  • Delta Homestay, Jl Prawirotaman XI/597a, +62 274 372051. Fan single and double rooms with common bathrooms. Rp130,000.
  • Kampoeng Djawa, Jl Prawirotaman I/40, +62 274 378318. Clean rooms with fan or A/C arranged around a garden filled with the sounds of birdsong and running water. TV, pleasant, attentive and helpful staff. Free WiFi, water, tea and coffee. Rp110,000 (fan).
  • Parakesit Guesthouse, Jl Prawirotaman I/24b, +62 274 375002. Has fan and A/C single/double rooms all with own bathrooms and TV. (All prices are negotiable). The family-run Parakesit GH has the lowest cost rooms in Jl Prawirotaman 1. from Rp95,000.
  • 15 Prambanan Guesthouse, Jalan Prawirotaman 14, +62 274 376167, . Check-out: 12:00. Fan and A/C rooms with own bathrooms. Credit cards accepted. Rp170,000480,000 including breakfast.
  • Rumah Eyang, Jl Parangtritis, Gang Sartono 823, +62 812 2711-7439. Tranquil with a serene touch, beautiful garden and art gallery space away from the hustle of Jl Malioboro. Twelve rooms with bathroom facilities, air conditioning/fan, and breakfast. Rp125,000–175,000.
  • Sartika Hotel, Jl Prawirotaman 1. Fan double rooms with own bathrooms. From Rp100,000.
  • 16 ViaVia Guesthouse, Jl Prawirotaman Mg 3/514A, +62 274 374748. Some rooms have A/C and/or ensuite bathroom; every room is different, but all are clean and comfortable. WiFi is available. Breakfast is served at the guesthouse. Restaurant and tour agency nearby. Rp150,000200,000.
  • Wisma Gajah, Jl Prawirotaman 4, +62 274 375659. Doubles and singles with swimming pool and terraces. Rp100,000140,000.
  • 17 OstiC House (OstiC hostel), Jl. Suryodiningratan No.10B, Suryodiningratan, Kec. Mantrijeron, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55141 (about 20-min bus from train station (3A), south of Alun Alun Kidul), +62 877-3955-4438. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. AC, wifi, towel, shared toilet/shower with toilet paper and toilet gun, dorm bed curtain, water refill, fridge, pool table, small swimming pool. Activities book and tours including Borobudur, Prambanan, and Jomblang cave. Mixed dorm 4 beds Rp78,000, double 300,000, family room Rp500-700,000.


  • 18 Trava House (travahouse), Gang Cempaka, Lorong Barat MJ3 No 45 (find on google map : Trava House), +62 819 98 47 12 33, . A vacation house in the centre of Yogyakarta City. Private house with 3 bedrooms with a cute pool. Available for rent daily. from Rp690,000.
  • Joglo Plawang Boutique Villa, Jl Pakem-Turi km 5, Turi, Sleman, +62 274 446-1611, .
  • Venezia Homestay, Jl Tirtodipuran 27 (Prawirotaman area), +62 274 374049, .
  • Indraloka Homestay, Jl Cik Di Tiro 18 (on the main road to Gadjah Mada University), +62 274 544428.
  • 19 Ministry of Coffee, Jl Prawirotaman I/15A, +6281327027201. Prawirotaman's most modern establishment, clean white sheets, fluffy doonas and AC. Each room has a unique decor and colour scheme. Also has a coffee house, a library, and restaurant.
  • 20 Dusun Jogja Village Inn, Jl Menukan 5, Karangkajen (south of Prawirotaman), +62 274 373031, +62 274 384438, fax: +62 274 382202. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. Balinese-style garden courtyard and swimming pool, good clean rooms.
  • 21 Grand Inna Malioboro (formerly Inna Garuda), Jl Malioboro 60, +62 274 566353. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. Established in 1908. 240 rooms are furnished in classic but modern elegance & face Jl Malioboro.
  • Puri Artha Hotel, Jl Cendrawasih 36, Demangan Baru, +62 274 274 563288, fax: +62 274 562765. A blend of traditional Javanese and Balinese style with western facilities.
  • Yogya Moon Hotel, Jl Kemetiran 21, +62 274 582465, fax: +62 274 582084. Near to Jl Malioboro. Cozy, affordable, close to 3-star class. From Rp200,000.


  • 22 The Phoenix Hotel (Accor group-an ex Mercure hotel), +62 274 566617, fax: +62 274 566856, . 144 rooms and suites, each with a balcony. A fusion of Asian and European decor. Restaurant, wine bar and terrace bar overlooking an open courtyard. Swimming pool, day spa and modern conferencing facilities. From Rp570,000. The Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta (Q106309134) on Wikidata
  • 23 Grand Quality Hotel Yogyakarta, Jl Adisucipto No.48, +62 274 485005. Grand Quality Hotel (Q115795612) on Wikidata
  • 24 Hotel Saphir Yogyakarta, Jl Laksda Adisucipto No. 38, +62 274 566222. Four-star hotel. Hotel New Saphir Yogyakarta (Q111139621) on Wikidata
  • Pondok Terra Villa Accommodation Yogyakarta. Two luxurious villas in the centre of the town, just south of the Kraton area. Both are of a traditional Javanese style with private swimming pools an a 200-m² garden.
  • 25 Hotel Tentrem, Jl. P. Mangkubumi No.72A, Cokrodiningratan, Jetis, +62 274 6415555. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 12:00. A 5-star hotel with two upscale restaurants and a polished lounge, plus an outdoor pool with a poolside bar. There’s also a spa, a gym and a boutique. From Rp1,363,326.

Stay safe


Jogja has its share of petty crime like pickpocketing, especially in city buses and along Jalan Malioboro when crowded.

Watch out for gallery scams and street sellers trying to get a commission for batik. These tend to occur around the Kraton and Malioboro areas. Scammers will approach tourists and tell them about a government art centre and will hire cheap transport to the 'genuine' gallery. If you're interested in buying batik, this isn't necessarily bad, but you are, in essence, being manipulated. These scams mainly occur on Jalan Malioboro. They have people waiting on the streets approaching foreigners, even if you're with a local companion. General rule of thumb is if they're approaching you in English, they're trying to get something out of you.

Be cautious when walking in the city. Traffic is brutal! You might have difficulty crossing roads and streets, especially in crowded places. Pavements, even where they exist, are in poor condition, and signs over the pavement hang lower than head height for many foreigners, so watch your feet and your head. At night, street lighting will usually be poor, making it even harder.

Mount Merapi volcano looms over the city. The last eruption was in May 2018, spewing ashes about 6km high. Although it wasn't as big and destructive as in 2010.

Try to travel in groups if going to or from Parangtritis beach. The long stretch between Jogja and the beach can be dangerous at night. You may get stopped by someone riding a motorcycle trying to rob you. There are few police stations along the road, and often unoccupied.

Never swim at Parangtritis beach due to strong rip currents.





The area code for Yogyakarta is 0274.



There are many internet cafes in Yogyakarta which offer speedy access. Some hotels provide free wifi in the lobby. The Taman Sari foodcourt at Ambarrukmo Plaza, locally known as Amplas, offers free Wifi.

The 24-hour Indomaret on Jalan Malioboro offers free Wifi and wall sockets, but can be a little noisy.

  • B@yonet, Jl. Jendral Sudirman 75, +62 274 550553.
  • Gama Student Internet Center, UPT Perpustakaan Unit 2 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. C. Simanjuntak.
  • Ibis, Ibis Maliboro Hotel lobby (near to the 'Link Cafe' at Malioboro Mall).
  • DOJO hotspot centre, Pogung Kidul Sleman.
  • Shooternet, Jl. Ampel 10 Papringan.
  • Indraloka Home Stay, Jl. Cik Di Tiro 18 (on the main road to Universitas Gadjah Mada), +62 274 544428.
  • 2 Fox Net, Jalan A.M. Sangaji No. 3 Yogyakarta, +62 274 511 359. Internet café (warung internet), streaming, burn CD, print, scan.





List of hospitals with 24 hours emergency room (ER), (UGD):


  • France Consular Agency in Jogjakarta, Institute Franco-Indonesien Jl. Sagan 3 No. 1, Yogyakarta 55223, +62 274 566520, +62 274 547409.



Go next



  • The massive Buddhist temple of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist monument in the world, is 40 minutes away by car and one of the main drawcards for visitors to Yogyakarta. Many tour buses (minivans) leave Yogyakarta at 05:00 for an early visit to Borobudur. This is a convenient way to skip the crowds which arrive mid morning, although a little more expensive: Rp45,000-50,000 (including a simple breakfast). However, the extra cost could save you money if tour participants chip in for a tour guide.
  • Gereja Ayam (Chicken Church). Near Magelang. In response to what he claimed was a divine vision in 1988, Daniel Alamsjah, a devout Christian, spent every weekend over nearly a decade overseeing the construction of this multi-dominical bird-shaped prayer house. Alamsjah’s vision had been of a dove, but the its resemblance to a giant chicken has earned it its better-known moniker, Gereja Ayam – Chicken Church. Alamsjah ran out of funds in 2000 to complete it and left it to fall into decay. However over the next 15 years, curious visitors to nearby Borobudur began seeking it out. Increasing visitor numbers encouraged Alamsjah to return and begin work on completing the structure. The interior has been decorated in a style that may not be to everyone’s taste. From the parking lot it is 15 minute walk up a steep hill to the building (for which it is advisable to bring closed footwear). Shuttle rides are offered up the hill but these can be expensive. It is often included in tours to Borobodur. Open daily 05:00 to 16:30. The entrance fee is Rp30,000 (+ Rp10,000 parking fees for a car).
  • Kaliurang in Sleman Regency is the closest settlement on the southern slope of Mount Merapi. One reason to visit this town is the Ullen Sentalu Museum, an exotic museum dedicated to the culture and life of Javanese royalty. The museum is built into the surrounding landscape, with gardens, sculptures and an overall tranquil and natural environment. There is also a colonial-themed restaurant in the grounds called Beukenhof.
  • Ketep Pass, a pass located in the slope between Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu offers a great vantage point for a spectacular view of both mountains. This site has a small cinema that regularly shows an interesting documentary of Mount Merapi. East of Borobudur, 40 minutes from Yogyakarta by car.
  • Salatiga, about 2½ hours from Yogyakarta, is closer to Semarang (1 hour) than Yogyakarta. Salatiga is a mountain resort town with several good resort-style spa hotels mainly aimed at people looking for a tranquil and relaxing escape from the city life. Activities in Salatiga include trying the famous "ronde" drink and Havana horses.


  • The Hindu temples of Prambanan, 20 minutes away, are a close second to Borobudur. The smaller temples of Kalasan and others are on the way to Prambanan. The entrance to Borobundur or Prambanan Temple costs Rp362,500 each.
  • The city of Surakarta aka Solo, a 45-min drive (also accessible with the Prambanan Ekspres train or the Joglosemar bus — see #Get in) to the east is Yogya's royal twin and home to two royal kingdoms that are ancestrally related to Yogyakarta's Kingdom. The city's royal past is indicated through the two major keraton or palaces that are able to visited: the sprawling Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta, where the Pakubuwono kings live and the smaller but equally grand Pura Mangkunegaran palace, seat of Prince Mangkunegara. It is also a thriving arts and cultural center, home to the biggest batik manufacturers in Indonesia, and the Danar Hadi Batik Museum, which has the most diverse batik collection in Indonesia. Last but not least Solo offers a wealth of culinary experiences such as timlo (meat soup), its own soto or the fabled serabi (Javanese pancakes).
  • Ratu Boko palace, 2 km south of Prambanan. An ancient royal palace complex, similar in architectural layout with other Kratons or palaces in Java. Magnificently located on top of a hill, Ratu Boko has been restored.


  • Parangtritis, on the south coast, is one of the better known black sand beaches. Local folklore suggests that this beach is the palace of the legendary Nyai Loro Kidul or 'Queen of the South'. It is common knowledge among locals not to wear anything green in color, or the Queen will entice the wearer into the ocean to drown. Warning: Never swim at Parangtritis beach. Its wild waves are known to be deadly (rip currents): many people have died who ignored these precautions. There are also other beaches with white sands, but you have to arrange with a travel agent to rent a car with the driver as their locations are quite remote (2 hours from the city centre) in the hilly Gunung Kidul region. These beaches are pristine and sometimes off-the-beaten-path, such as Kukup beach, Krakal beach, Drini, Sundak beach and Baron, but the swimming warning still applies.
  • Ngobaran Beach at Gunung Kidul region, 50 km from Yogyakarta. This is a pure beach with a number of marine attractions to explore. When the tide is low in the morning, the visitors can join the local fishermen to collect seaweed or go fishing for stranded fish between the reefs at the beach. Some believe that somewhere in the beach lie the remains of King Brawijaya's fort and his men “Sabdo Palon Ngoyogenggong”. This beach includes a cave, which leads its explorers to a striking underground stream. If you go to Ngrenehan Beach for the grilled fish just drop by Ngobaran Beach, it has a high cliff and is around 2 km from Ngrenehan Beach. Many sea animal species are present in the coral reef and inter-tidal zones, ranging from sea urchin, starfish, to various types of cockleshells.
  • Ngrenehan Beach at Kanigoro Village, Saptosari. (about 30 km south of Wonosari). A small bay surrounded by rocky hills that has fascinating panorama and swirling waves hitting the white sandy beach and rocky edge of the hills. The local fishermen can prepare fresh or grilled fish for visitors.



Jakarta — The Argo Lawu train makes the 7-hr train ride.

Routes through Yogyakarta
END  W  E  Klaten Sukoharjo
Purworejo Kulonprogo  W  E  END
Kulonprogo  W  E  END
Purworejo Kulonprogo  W  E  Klaten Surakarta
Purworejo Kulonprogo  W  E  END

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