Banners Project

This is a Wikivoyage user page.
Articles with a custom banner
22220 / 30273 = 73.399%
Articles missing banners in Wikidata
Twice the limit: 273 / 500 = 54.6%
We are not yet 80% of the way to the 500-cap. The bot does not have to be activated at this time.
The original author of the Wikivoyage Banner Bot, intended for clearing Category:Banner missing from Wikidata, User:Kizar, has released the bot's code, which can be found here. I am currently sorting out this code for re-use on a personal bot account, as Kizar is somewhat difficult to reach.
Last edit: 09-02-2018; 20:30

Links per country[edit]

Done, but may need re-evaluation.

Done, not in need of re-evaluation.

There are currently 8053 pages with a default banner. My goal with this project is to bring that number down significantly. Starting somewhat small, I am currently creating banners for Northwest Europe . Below is a report on the progress. A full list of the ~800 images that were bannerified by me, see the associated category on Commons.

Happy with any of the banners I made? Please feel free to link your favourite(s), whether they were made by me or someone else here.

Feel free to use this page for your own banner contributions. More than a thousand banners can still be created for Europe, and though I can do it alone, I'd rather have you tag along! You will find an overview of all members of the European Union in the sidebar to the right of this page.

Personal favorites[edit]

Favourite banners of the world. Click a label to view the banner or visit the article.