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Right examples
[email protected] {{#invoke:EmailTracking|EmailTracking|[email protected]}}
Wrong examples
[email protected], [email protected] {{#invoke:EmailTracking|EmailTracking|[email protected], [email protected]}} Category:Listing with multiple email addresses
[email protected]; [email protected] {{#invoke:EmailTracking|EmailTracking|[email protected]; [email protected]}} Category:Listing with multiple email addresses

--[[ 	Source script:	https://it.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Module:EmailTracking 	Maintainer:		Andyrom75 ]] local p = {}   function p.EmailTracking(frame) 	return frame.args and p.EmailTrackingValue( frame.args.email ) or '' end  function p.EmailTrackingValue( email, demo )     if mw.ustring.match(email or '','@.*@') then 	        return '[[' .. (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 and '' or ':' ) .. 'Category:Listing with multiple email addresses]]<span class="phoneinfo" style="display:none;">MULTIPLE-EMAIL</span>'     end     return '' end   return p