Galician phrasebook
Galician (galego) is the Romance language most closely related to Portuguese. It is spoken in Galicia, which is in north-western Spain. Portuguese speakers (both European and Brazilian) will usually tell you that Galician is a dialect of their own language, while Galicians will tell you the opposite in a manner similar to that which exists between Bulgarians and Macedonians. Still, Portuguese and Galician speakers can understand each other almost perfectly without a translator.
Galician has a different spelling and accent from Portuguese, and contains unique colloquialisms and traces of former cultures, using a number of pre-Indo-European, Celtic and Germanic words not found in Portuguese. On the other hand, there are Arabic words found in Portuguese that are not found in Galician.
Learning Galician is generally not necessary for communication, as nearly all Galician speakers are also able to speak Spanish. That being said, Galicians are proud of their language, so any attempt by visitors to speak it will be warmly received.
[edit]Galician sounds are similar to Portuguese, but nasalization is not nearly as pervasive. The letter x, pronounced sh in both languages, is used mainly in Galician words; whereas in Portuguese words the letters j or g are used and pronounced like "zh".
[edit]- a
- like father
- e (stressed)
- like set, ten
- e (unstressed)
- like herd
- i
- like machine
- o (stressed)
- like hot, top (British pronunication)
- o (unstressed)
- like sort
- u
- like soup or book
[edit]- b
- like 'b' in "bed"
- bico ('kiss').
- c + e, i
- like 's' in "supper" (western Galicia) or 'th' in "think" (eastern Galicia)
- cedo ('early').
- c + a, o, u
- like 'k' in "key"
- can ('dog').
- d
- like 'd' in "day"
- data ('date').
- f
- like 'ph' in "phone"
- ferro ('iron').
- g
- like 'g' in "gone". In western Galicia, g is sometimes aspirated, like 'h' in "house"
- xogo ('game'). If followed by e or i, g must be written with a silent u
- xoguete ('toy'), preguiza ('laziness'). If followed by a pronounced u and then by e or i, that u bears a diaeresis
- bilingüe ('bilingual'), Güiana ('Guyana').
- h
- silent
- harmonía ('harmony').
- j
- like 'su' in "pleasure"
- k
- used only in foreign words like "kilo"
- l
- like 'l' in "love"
- lúa ('moon').
- m
- like 'm' in "month"
- amarelo ('yellow').
- n
- like 'n' in "nice"
- nai ('mother'). Like 'ng' in "song" if it's at the end of a word
- non ('no').
- ñ
- like 'ny' in "canyon"
- xuño ('June'). Transliterated as nh in Portuguese and ny in Catalan.
- p
- like 'p' in "party"
- pai ('father').
- q
- like 'q' in "unique". Q is almost always followed by a silent u and then by e or i
- queixo ('cheese'/'chin'), arquivo ('archive').
- r
- trill with the tip of the tongue, like other Romance languages
- terra ('earth', 'land', 'ground').
- s
- like 's' in "supper"
- persoa ('person').
- t
- like 't' in "top"
- ter ('to have').
- v
- like 'b' in "bed"
- novo ('new').
- x
- like 'sh' in "shoe"
- imaxe ('image'), axuda ('help'), xaneiro ('January'), viaxar ('to travel'), lóxico ('logical'), xanela ('window'), cervexa ('beer'), xeral ('general'). Like 'x' in "example" (only in some words)
- taxi ('taxi'), explorar ('to explore'), texto ('text'), excursión ('trip')
- z
- like 's' in "supper" (western Galicia) or 'th' in "think" (eastern Galicia)
- prezo ('price'). Unlike Spanish, Z is never followed by e or i.
Common diphthongs
[edit]- ai
- like say (British pronunciation)
- au
- like pout
- ei
- like say (American pronunciation)
- eu
- the e vowel plus a w semivowel (no equivalent in English)
- oi
- like boy
- ou
- as in own
Common digraphs
[edit]- ch
- like 'tch' in "match"
- chave ('key').
- ll
- like 'lli' in "million"
- ollo ('eye'). Same as in Catalan and as lh in "standard" Portuguese.
- nh
- like the nasal 'n' in "bang"
- unha ('one' fem.)
Phrase list
[edit]- Hello (informal).
- Ola. (OH-lah). For the formal equivalent of "Ola" see good morning, good afternoon, good evening, below.
- How are you?
- Como estás? (KOH-moh ehs-TAHS?) (informal); Como está? (KOH-moh ehs-TAH?) (formal)
- Fine, thank you.
- Moi ben, grazas. (moy behn, GRAH-sahs)
- What is your name?
- Como te chamas? (koh-MOH teh tchah-MAHS?) (informal); Como se chama? (koh-MOH seh tchah-MAH?) (formal)
- My name is ______ .
- Chámome ______ . (CHAH-moh-meh____)
- Nice to meet you.
- É un pracer. (EH oon PRAH-sehr)
- Please.
- Por favor. (pohr FAH-bohr)
- Thank you.
- Grazas. (GRAH-sahs)
- You're welcome.
- De nada. / Non hai de que. (deh NAH-dah/nohn ai deh keh)
- Yes.
- Si. (SEE)
- No.
- Non. (nohn)
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- Perdoe. / Desculpe. (pehr-DOEH/dehs-KOOL-peh)
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- Perdoe. (pehr-DOEH) / Desculpe. (dehs-KOOL-peh)
- I'm sorry.
- Síntoo moito. (SEEN-toh-oh MOY-toh)
- Goodbye
- Adeus. (ah-DEH-oos)
- I can't speak Galician [well].
- Non falo [moi ben] o galego. (nohn FAH-loh (moy behn) oh gah-LEH-goh)
- Do you speak English?
- Falas inglés? (informal) (fah-LAHS een-GLEHS?)
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- Hai alguén aquí que fale inglés? (ai ahl-KEHN ah-KEE keh FAH-leh een-GLEHS?)
- Help!
- Axuda! Socorro! Auxilio! (ah-shoo-DAH!, soh-koh-RROH!, ow-shee-LYOH!)
- Good morning.
- Bo día. (boh DYAH)
- Good afternoon.
- Boa tarde. (BOH-ah TAHR-deh)
- Good evening (when it's dark)
- Boa noite. (BOH-ah NOY-teh)
- Good night.
- Boa noite. (BOH-ah NOY-teh)
- I don't understand.
- Non entendo. (nohn ehn-TEHN-doh)
- Where is the toilet?
- Onde está o baño? / Onde está o aseo? (ohn-DEH ehs-TAH oh bah-NYOH? / ohn-DEH ehs-TAH oh ah-seh-OH?)
[edit]- Leave me alone.
- Déixame en paz! (DAY-shah-men ehn pahs!)
- Don't touch me!
- Non me toques! (nohn meh TOH-kehs!)
- I'll call the police.
- Vou chamar á policía. (bwoh chah-MAHR ah poh-lee-SEE-ah)
- Police!
- Policía! (poh-lee-SEE-ah)
- Stop! Thief!
- Para! Ladrón! (pah-RAH! lah-DROHN!)
- I need help.
- Necesito axuda. (neh-seh-SEE-toh ah-SHOO-duh)
- It's an emergency.
- É unha emerxencia. (EH OON-gah eh-mehr-SHEHN-syuh)
- I'm lost.
- Estou perdido. (EHS-tow pehr-DEE-doh)
- I lost my bag.
- Perdín a miña bolsa. (pehr-DEEN a MEE-nyah BOHL-sah)
- I lost my wallet.
- Perdín o meu moedeiro. (pehr-DEEN oh MEH-oo moh-eh-DAY-roh)
- I'm sick.
- Estou enfermo(a). (EHS-tow ehn-FEHR-muh(ah))
- I've been injured.
- Estou ferido(a) (EHS-tow feh-REE-duh(ah))
- I need a doctor.
- Necesito un médico. (neh-seh-SEE-toh oon MEH-dee-kuh)
- Can I use your phone?
- Podo usar o seu teléfono? (POH-doh OO-sahr oh SEH-oh teh-LEH-foh-nuh?)
[edit]- 1
- un/unha (oon/OO-ngah) (Male/Female)
- 2
- dous/dúas (dows/DOO-ahs) (Male/Female)
- 3
- tres (trehs)
- 4
- catro (KAH-troh)
- 5
- cinco (THEEN-koh)
- 6
- seis (says)
- 7
- sete (seht)
- 8
- oito (OY-toh)
- 9
- nove (NOH-beh)
- 10
- dez (dehs)
- 11
- once (OHN-theh)
- 12
- doce (DOH-theh)
- 13
- trece (TREH-theh)
- 14
- catorce (kah-TOHR-theh)
- 15
- quince (KEEHN-theh)
- 16
- dezaseis (deh-THAH-says)
- 17
- dezasete (deh-THAH-seh-teh)
- 18
- dezaoito (deh-thah-OY-toh)
- 19
- dezanove (deh-thah-NOH-beh)
- 20
- vinte (BEEN-teh)
- 21
- vinte e un/unha (BEEN-teh eh oon/OON-gah)
- 22
- vinte e dous/dúas (BEEN-teh eh dwohs/DOO-ahs)
- 23
- vintetrés (been-teh-TREHS)
- 30
- trinta (TREEN-tah)
- 31
- trinta e un/unha (TREEN-tah eh oon/OON-gah)
- 32
- trinta e dous/dúas (TREEN-tah eh dwohs/DOO-ahs)
- 33
- trinta e tres (TREEN-tah eh trehs)
- 40
- corenta (koh-REHN-tah)
- 50
- cincuenta (seen-KWEHN-tah)
- 60
- sesenta (seh-SEHN-tah)
- 70
- setenta (seh-TEHN-tah)
- 80
- oitenta (oy-TEHN-tah)
- 90
- noventa (noh-BEHN-tah)
- 100
- cen (sehn)
- 200
- douscentos/duascentas (dows-THEHN-tohs/dwah-THEHN-tahs)
- 300
- trescentos/trescentas (treh-THEHN-tohs/treh-THEHN-tahs)
- 400
- catrocentos/catrocentas (kah-troh-THEHN-tohs/kah-troh-THEHN-tahs)
- 500
- quiñentos/quiñentas//cincocentos/cincocentas (kee-NYEHN-tohs/kee-NYEHN-tahs // thee-koh-THEHN-tohs/thee-koh-THEHN-tahs)
- 600
- seiscentos (says-THEHN-tohs)
- 700
- setecentos (seh-teh-THEHN-tohs)
- 800
- oitocentos (oy-toh-THEHN-tohs)
- 900
- novecentos (noh-beh-THEHN-tohs)
- 1000
- mil (meel)
- 2000
- dous mil/dúas mil (DOH-oos meel/DOO-ahs meel)
- 1,000,000
- un millón (oon mee-LYOHN)
- 1,000,000,000
- mil millóns (meel mee-LYOHNS)
- 1,000,000,000,000
- un billón (oon bee-LYOHN)
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- número _____ (NOO-meh-roh)
- half
- medio (MEH-dyoh)
- less
- menos (MEH-nohs)
- more
- máis (MAH-ees)
[edit]- now
- agora (ah-GOH-rah)
- later
- despois (DEHS-poys)
- before
- antes (AHN-tehs)
- morning
- mañá (mah-NYAH)
- afternoon
- tarde (TAHR-deh)
- evening
- noite (NOY-teh)/serán (seh-RAHNG)
- night
- noite (NOY-teh)
Clock time
[edit]- the X hour
- As X
- the X hour in the early dawn/morning/midday/afternoon/evening/night
- As X da madrugada/mañá/mediodía/tarde/tarde/noite (ahs X dah mah-droo-GAH-dah/mah-NYAHH/meh-dyoh-DYAH/TAHR-deh/TAHR-deh/NOY-teh)
- one o'clock AM
- a unha da madrugada (ah OON-gah dah mah-droo-GAH-dah), literally the one in the early morning
- two o'clock AM
- as dúas da madrugada (ahs DOO-ahs dah mah-droo-GAH-dah)
- noon
- mediodía (meh-DYOH-dyah) literally half day
- one o'clock PM
- a unha da tarde (ah OON-gah dah TAHR-deh)
- two o'clock PM
- as dúas da tarde(ahs DOO-ahs dah TAHR-deh)
- midnight
- medianoite (meh-dyah-NOY-teh)
[edit]- _____ minute(s)
- _____ minuto (minutos) (mee-NOO-toh (mee-NOO-tohs))
- _____ hour(s)
- _____ hora (horas) (OH-rah (OH-rahs)
- _____ day(s)
- _____ día (días) (DEE-ah (DEE-ahs)
- _____ week(s)
- _____ semana (semanas) (seh-MAH-nah (seh-MAH-nahs))
- _____ month(s)
- _____ mes (meses) (mehs (MEH-sehs))
- _____ year(s)
- _____ ano (anos) (AH-noh (AH-nohs))
[edit]- day
- día (DYAH)
- this day
- neste día (NEHS-teh DYAH)
- today
- hoxe (OH-sheh)
- yesterday
- onte (OHN-teh)
- tomorrow
- mañá (mah-NYAH)
- tomorrow night
- mañá á noite (mah-NYAH NOY-teh)
- tonight
- onte á noite (OHN-teh AH NOY-teh)
- this night
- esta noite (EHS-tah NOY-teh)
- week
- semana (seh-MAH-nah)
- this week
- esta semana (ehs-TAH seh-MAH-nah)
- last week
- a semana pasada (ah seh-MAH-nah pah-SAH-dah)
- next week
- a vindeira/próxima semana (ah been-DAY-rah/PROHK-see-mah seh-MAH-nah )
- Sunday
- Domingo (doh-MEEN-goh)
- Monday
- Luns (loons)
- Tuesday
- Martes (MAHR-tehs)
- Wednesday
- Mércores (MEHR-koh-rehs)
- Thursday
- Xoves (SHOH-behs)
- Friday
- Venres (BEHN-rehs)
- Saturday
- Sábado (SAH-bah-doh)
[edit]- January
- Xaneiro (shah-NAY-roh)
- February
- Febreiro (feh-BRAY-roh)
- March
- Marzo (MAHR-soh)
- April
- Abril (AH-breel)
- May
- Maio (mah-EE-oh)
- June
- Xuño (SHOO-nyoh)
- July
- Xullo (SHOO-lyoh)
- August
- Agosto (ah-GOHS-toh)
- September
- Setembro (seh-TEHM-broh)
- October
- Outubro (ow-TOO-broh)
- November
- Novembro (noh-BEHM-broh)
- December
- Decembro (deh-ThEHM-broh)
Writing time and date
[edit]June 13th of 2004: trece (13) de xuño de 2004
[edit]- black
- negro (NEH-groh)
- white
- branco (BRAHN-koh)
- gray
- gris (grees)
- red
- vermello (behr-MEH-lyoh)
- blue
- azul (AH-sool)
- yellow
- amarelo (ah-mah-REH-loh)
- green
- verde (BEHR-deh)
- orange
- laranxa (lah-RAHN-shah)
- purple
- morado (moh-RAH-doh)
- brown
- marrón/castaño (mahr-ROHN/kahs-TAH-nyoh)
- pink
- rosa (ROH-sah)
[edit]- car
- coche (KOH-cheh)
- taxi
- taxi (TAHK-see)
- bus
- autobús (ow-toh-BOOS)
- van
- furgón (FOOR-gohn)
- truck
- camión (kah-MYOHN)
- trolley
- cesta (SEHS-tah)
- tram
- eléctrico (eh-LEHK-tree-koh)
- train
- tren (trehn)
- subway
- metro (MEH-troh)
- ship
- buque (BOO-keh)
- boat
- barco (BAHR-koh)
- helicopter
- helicóptero (eh-lee-KOHP-teh-roh)
- airplane
- avión (ah-BYOHN)
- airline
- compañía aérea (kohm-pah-NYAH ah-EH-reh-ah)
- bicycle
- bicicleta (bee-thee-KLEH-tah)
- motorcycle
- motocicleta (moh-toh-thee-KLEH-tah)
- carriage
- transporte (trahs-POHR-teh)
Bus and train
[edit]- How much is a ticket to_____?
- Canto custa o billete para_____? (KAHN-toh KOOS-tah oh bee-LYEH-teh PAH-rah____?)
- A single ticket to _____, please.
- Un billete só de ida para_____, por favor. (oon bee-LYEH-teh SOH deh EE-dah PAH-rah_____, pohr FAH-bohr)
- A return ticket to_____, please.
- Un billete de ida e volta para____, por favor. (oon bee-LYEH-teh deh EE-dah eh BOHL-tah PAH-rah_____, pohr FAH-bohr)
- Where does this train/bus go?
- Para onde vai este tren/autobús? (Pah-rah OHN-deh bai EHS-teh trehn/ow-toh-BOOS?)
- Where is the train/bus to_____?
- Onde está o tren/autobús que vai para_____? (OHN-deh ehs-TAH oo trehn/ow-toh-BOOS keh bai PAH-rah_____?)
- Does this train/bus stop in_____?
- Este tren/autobús para en_____? (EHS-teh trehn/ow-toh-BOOS PAH-rah ehn_____?)
- When does the train/bus for_____ leave?
- Cando marcha o tren/autobús que vai para_____? (KAHN-doh MAHR-chah oh trehn/ow-toh-BOOS keh vai PAH-rah____?)
- When will this train/bus arrive in_____?
- Cando chega este tren/autobús a_____? (KAHN-doh CHEH-gah EHS-teh trehn/ow-toh-BOOS ah____?)
[edit]- How do I get to _____ ?
- Como vou a _____ ? (KOH-moh BOH-oo ah____?)
- ...the train station?
- ...á estación de tren? (AH ehs-tah-THYOHN deh trehn?)
- ...the bus station?
- ...á estación de autobuses? (AH ehs-tah-THYOHN deh ow-toh-BOO-sehs?)
- ...the airport?
- ...ó / ao aeroporto? (OH / AH-oh ah-eh-ROH-pohr-toh)
- ...downtown?
- ...ó / ao centro? (OH / AH-oh THEHN-troh)
- ...the youth hostel?
- ...ó / ao albergue da xuventude? (OH / AH-oh ahl-BEHR-geh dah zhoo-VEHN-tood)
- ...the _____ hotel?
- ...ó / ao hotel _____? (OH / AH-oh OH-tehl_____?)
- ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
- ...ó / ao consulado dos Estados Unidos/de Canadá/de Australia/do Reino Unido? (OH / AH-oh konh-soo-LAH-doh dohs ehs-TAH-dohs oo-NEE-dohs/deh kah-nah-DAH/deh ows-TRAH-lyah/doh RAY-noh oo-NEE-doh?)
- Where are there a lot of...
- Onde hai moitos... (OHN-deh ai MOY-tohs...)
- ...hoteis? (oh-TAYS?)
- ...restaurants?
- ...restaurantes? (rehs-tow-RAHN-tehs)
- ...bars?
- ...bares? (BAH-rehs)
- ...sites to see?
- ...sitios para visitar? (SEE-tyohs PAH-rah bee-SEE-tahr)
- Can you show me on the map?
- Pódesme sinalar no mapa? (POH-dehs-meh see-NAH-lahr noh MAH-pah?)
- street
- rúa (ROO-ah)
- Turn left.
- Vire á esquerda / Xire á esquerda. (BEE-reh AH ehs-KEHR-dah / SHEE-reh AH ehs-KEHR-dah)
- Turn right.
- Vire á dereita / Xire á dereita. (BEE-reh AH deh-RAY-tah / SHEE-reh AH deh-RAY-tah)
- left
- esquerda (ehs-KEHR-dah)
- right
- dereita (deh-RAY-tah)
- straight ahead
- recto (REHK-toh)
- towards the _____
- cara a _____ (KAH-rah ah)
- past the _____
- despois de _____ (dehs-POYS deh)
- before the _____
- antes de _____ (ahn-TEHS deh)
- Watch for the _____.
- Vixía o/a/os/as _____. (vee-ZHYAH oh/ah/ohs/ahs____)
- intersection
- intersección (een-tehr-sehk-THYOHN)
- north
- norte (NOHR-teh)
- south
- sur (soor)
- east
- leste (LEHS-teh)
- west
- oeste (oh-EHS-teh)
- uphill
- costa arriba (KOHS-tah ah-RREE-bah)
- downhill
- costa abaixo (KOHS-tah ah-BAI-shoh)
[edit]- Taxi!
- Taxi! (TAHK-see!)
- Take me to _____, please.
- Léveme a _____, por favor. (LEH-beh-meh ah_____, pohr FAH-bohr)
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- Canto custa chegar a _____? (KAHN-toh KOOS-tah CHEH-gahr ah____?)
- Take me there, please.
- Léveme alá, por favor. (LEH-beh-meh ah-LAH, pohr FAH-bohr)
[edit]- Do you have any rooms available?
- Ten algún cuarto dispoñible? (tehn ahl-GOON KWAHR-toh dees-POH-nyee-bleh?)
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- Canto custa un cuarto para unha/dúas persoa/persoas? (KAHN-toh KOOS-tah oon KWAHR-toh PAH-rah OON-gah/DOO-ahs pehr-SOH-ah/pehr-SOH-ahs?)
- Does the room come with...?
- O cuarto ten...? (oh KWAHR-toh tehn___?)
- ...a bathroom?
- ...baño? (BAH-nyoh)
- ...a telephone?
- ...teléfono? (teh-LEH-foh-noh?)
- ...a TV?
- ...televisión? (teh-leh-bee-THYOHN?)
- May I see the room first?
- Podo ver o cuarto primeiro? (POH-doh behr oh KWAHR-toh pree-MAY-roh?)
- Do you have anything quieter?
- Ten algo máis silencioso? (tehn AHL-goh MAH-ees see-lehn-THYOH-soh?)
- ...bigger?
- ...máis grande? (MAH-ees GRAHN-deh?)
- ...cleaner?
- ...máis limpo? (MAH-ees LEEM-poh?)
- ...cheaper?
- ...máis barato? (MAH-ees bah-RAH-toh?)
- OK, I'll take it.
- De acordo, quedo con ela. (deh ah-KOHR-doh, KEH-doh kohn EH-lah)
- I will stay for _____ night(s).
- Vou quedar _____ noite(s). (VOH-oo KEH-dahr_____NOY-teh(s))
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- Pódeme suxerir outro hotel? (POH-deh-meh soo-SHEH-reer oh-OO-troh OH-tehl?)
- Do you have a safe lockers?
- Ten caixa de seguridade? (tehn KAI-shah deh seh-goo-REE-dah-deh?)
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- O almorzo está incluído? (oh ahl-MOHR-thoh ehs-TAH een-kloo-EE-doh?) / A cea está incluída? (ah theah ehs-TAH een-kloo-EE-dah?)
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- Cando se almorza/cea? (KAHN-doh seh ahl-MOHR-thah/THEH-ah)
- Please clean my room.
- Por favor, limpe o meu cuarto. (pohr FAH-bohr, LEEM-peh oh MEH-oo KWAHR-toh)
- Can you wake me at _____?
- Pódeme espertar ás _____? (POH-deh-meh ehs-PEHR-tahr AHS___?)
- I want to check out.
- Vou marchar. (BOH-oo MAHR-chahr)
[edit]- A table for one person/two people, please.
- Unha mesa para unha persoa/dúas persoas, por favor. (OON-gah MEH-sah PAH-rah OON-gah pehr-SOH-ah/DOO-ahs pehr-SOH-ahs, pohr FAH-bohr)
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- Podo ver a carta / o menú, por favor? (POH-doh behr ah KAHR-tah/oh meh-NOO, pohr FAH-bohr?)
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- Podo ver a cociña? (POH-doh behr ah koh-THEE-nyah?)
- Is there a house specialty?
- Teñen algunha especialidade da casa? (TEH-nyehn ahl-GOO-nyah ehs-peh-thyah-LEE-dah-deh dah KAH-sah?)
- Is there a local specialty?
- Teñen algún prato típico do país? (TEH-nyehn ahl-GOON PRAH-toh TEE-pee-koh doh pah-EES?)
- I'm a vegetarian.
- Son vexetariano. (sohn veh-sheh-TAH-ryah-noh)
- I don't eat pork.
- Non como porco. (nohn KOH-moh POHR-koh)
- I don't eat beef.
- Non como carne de vaca. (nohn KOH-moh KAHR-neh deh BAH-kah)
- I only eat kosher food.
- Só como comida kosher. (SOH KOH-moh koh-MEE-dah KOH-shehr)
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- Pódemo facer máis lixeiro? (POH-deh-moh FAH-thehr MAIS lee-SHEI-roh?) (con menos aceite/manteiga/graxa)
- fixed-price meal
- menú do día (meh-NOO doh DYAH)
- à la carte
- á carta (AH KAHR-tah)
- breakfast
- almorzo (ahl-MOHR-soh)
- lunch
- xantar (SHAHN-tahr)
- tea (meal)
- merenda (meh-REHN-dah)
- supper
- cea (THEA)
- I want _____.
- Quero _____. (KEH-roh)
- I want a dish containing _____.
- Quero un prato que teña _____. (KEH-roh oon PRAH-toh keh TEH-nyah______)
- chicken
- polo (POH-loh)
- beef
- carne de vaca (KAHR-neh de BAH-kah)
- fish
- peixe (PAY-sheh)
- ham
- xamón (shah-MOHN)
- sausages
- embutidos (ehm-boo-TEE-dohs)
- cheese
- queixo (KAY-shoh)
- eggs
- ovos (OH-bohs)
- salad
- ensalada (ehn-sah-LAH-dah)
- (fresh) vegetables
- vexetais (frescos) (beh-SHEH-tais (FREHS-kohs))
- (fresh) fruit
- froita (fresca) (FROY-tah (FREHS-kah))
- bread
- pan (pahn)
- toast
- torrada/tosta (tohr-RAH-dah/TOHS-tah)
- noodles
- fideos (FEE-deh-ohs)
- rice
- arroz (AH-rrohz)
- beans
- fabas/feixóns (FAH-bahs/fay-SHOHNS)
- May I have a glass of _____?
- Pódeme traer un vaso de _____? (POH-deh-meh TRAH-ehr oon BAH-soh deh_____?)
- May I have a cup of _____?
- Pódeme traer unha cunca de _____? (POH-deh-meh TRAH-ehr OO-nyah KOON-kah deh_____?)
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- Pódeme traer unha botella de _____? (POH-deh-meh TRAH-ehr OO-nyah boh-TEH-lyah deh_______?)
- coffee
- café (kah-FEH)
- tea (drink)
- té (TEH)
- juice
- zume (SOO-moh)
- (bubbly) water
- auga con gas (OW-gah kohn gahs)
- water
- auga (OW-gah)
- beer
- cervexa (sehr-BEH-shah)
- red/white wine
- viño tinto/branco (BEE-nyoh TEEN-toh/BRAHN-koh)
- May I have some _____?
- Pódeme traer un pouco de _____? (POH-deh-meh TRAH-ehr oon poh-OO-koh deh____?)
- salt
- sal (SAHL)
- black pepper
- pementa negra (peh-MEHN-tah NEH-grah)
- butter
- manteiga (mahn-TAY-gah)
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- Desculpe, camareiro? (dehs-KOOL-peh, cah-mah-RAY-roh?)
- I'm finished.
- Xa rematei. (shah reh-MAH-tay)
- It was delicious.
- Estivo moi bo. (ehs-TEE-boh moy boh)
- Please clear the plates.
- Pode levar os pratos. (POH-deh LEH-vahr ohs PRAH-tohs)
- The check, please.
- A conta, por favor. (ah KOHN-tah, pohr FAH-bohr)
[edit]- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- Aceptan dólares americanos/australianos/canadenses? (ahk-THEHP-tahn DOH-lah-rehs ah-meh-REE-kah-nohs/ows-trah-LYAH-nohs/kah-nah-DEHN-sehs?)
- Do you accept British pounds?
- Aceptan libras esterlinas? (ahk-THEHP-tahn LEE-brahs ehs-tehr-LEE-nahs?)
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Aceptan tarxetas de crédito? (ahk-THEHP-tahn tahr-SHEH-tahs deh KREH-dee-toh?)
- Can you change money for me?
- Pode cambiarme/trocarme cartos/diñeiro? (POH-deh kahm-BYAHR-meh/troh-KAHR-meh KAHR-tohs/dee-NAY-roh?)
- Where can I get money changed?
- Onde podo cambiar/trocar cartos/diñeiro? (OHN-deh POH-doh KAHM-byahr/TROH-kahr KAHR-tohs/dee-NAY-roh?)
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- Pode cambiarme/trocarme cheques de viaxe? (POH-deh kahm-BYAHR-meh/troh-KAHR-meh CHEH-kehs deh BYAH-sheh?)
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- Onde podo cambiar/trocar cheques de viaxe? (OHN-deh POH-doh KAHM-byahr/TROH-kahr CHEH-kehs deh BYAH-sheh?)
- What is the exchange rate?
- Canto é a taxa de cambio? (KAHN-toh EH ah TAH-shah deh KAHM-byoh?)
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- Onde hai un caixeiro automático? (OHN-deh eye oon kai-SHEI-roh ow-toh-MAH-tee-koh?)
[edit]- Do you have this in my size?
- Ten isto na miña talla? (tehn EES-toh nah MEE-nyah TAH-lyah?)
- How much is this?
- Canto custa isto? (KAHN-toh KOOS-tah EES-toh?)
- That's too expensive.
- É demasiado caro. (EH deh-mah-SYAH-doh KAH-roh)
- Would you take _____?
- Doulle _____ (DWOH-lyeh) (lit. "I give you ____")
- expensive
- caro (KAH-roh)
- cheap
- barato (bah-RAH-toh)
- I can't afford it.
- Non o podo pagar. (nohn oh POH-doh PAH-gahr)
- I don't want it.
- Non o quero. (nohn oh KEH-roh)
- You're cheating me.
- Estame enganando. (ehs-TAH-meh ehn-gah-NAHN-doh)
- I'm not interested.
- Non estou interesado. (nohn EHS-tow een-teh-reh-SAH-doh)
- OK, I'll take it.
- De acordo, lévoo. (...)
- Can I have a bag?
- Pódeme dar unha bolsa? (...)
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- Fan envíos (ó/ao estranxeiro)? (...)
- I need...
- Necesito... (...)
- ...brush.
- ...un cepillo. (...)
- ...comb.
- ...un peite. (...)
- ...toothpaste.
- ...pasta de dentes. (...)
- ...a toothbrush.
- ...un cepillo de dentes. (...)
- ...feminine napkins.
- ...compresas. (...)
- ...tampons.
- ...tampóns. (...)
- ...soap.
- ...xabón. (...)
- ...shampoo.
- ...xampú. (...)
- ...deodorant.
- ...desodorante. (...)
- ...perfume.
- ...perfume. (...)
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- ...unha aspirina. (...)
- ...cold medicine.
- ...un medicamento para o constipado/arrefriado/catarro. (...)
- ...shaving cream.
- ...crema de afeitar. (...)
- ...stomach medicine.
- ....un medicamento para o estómago (...)
- ...a razor.
- ...unha folla de afeitar/navalla. (...)
- umbrella.
- ...un paraugas. (...)
- ...sunblock lotion.
- ...protector solar. (...)
- ...a postcard.
- ...unha postal. (OOHN-gah POHS-tahl)
- ...postage stamps.
- ...selos. (SEH-lohs)
- ...batteries.
- ...pilas. (PEE-lahs)
- ...writing paper.
- ...papel para escribir. (PAH-pehl PAH-rah ehs-KREE-beer)
- ...a pencil.
- ...un lapis. (oon LAH-pees)
- ...a pen.
- ...un bolígrafo. (oon boh-LEE-grah-foh)
- ...English-language books.
- .. libros en inglés. (LEE-brohs ehn een-GLEHS)
- ...English-language magazines.
- ...revistas en inglés. (reh-BEES-tahs ehn een-GLEHS)
- English-language newspaper.
- ...un xornal en inglés. (oon SHOHR-nahl een-GLEHS)
- English-Galician dictionary.
- ...un dicionario inglés-galego. (oon deek-THYOH-nah-ryoh een-GLEHS-gah-LEH-goh)
[edit]- I want to rent a car.
- Quero alugar un coche. (...)
- Can I get insurance?
- Podo facer un seguro? (...)
- stop (on a street sign)
- stop (...)
- one way
- sentido único (...)
- yield/Give Way
- ceda o paso (...)
- no parking
- prohibido aparcar/prohibido estacionar (...)
- speed limit
- límite de velocidade/velocidade máxima (...)
- gas (petrol) station
- gasolineira/estación de servizo (...)
- petrol
- gasolina (...)
- diesel
- gasóleo/diésel (...)
[edit]- It's his/her fault!
- A culpa é del/dela! (...)
- Its not what its seems.
- Non é o que parece. (...)
- I can explain it all.
- Pódollo explicar todo. (...)
- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Eu non fixen nada. (...)
- I swear I didn't do it Mr. Officer.
- Xúrolle que non fun eu, axente. (...)
- It was a misunderstanding.
- Foi un malentendido. (...)
- Where are you taking me?
- Onde me leva? (...)
- Am I under arrest?
- Estou detido? (...)
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- Son cidadán estadounidense/australiano/británico/canadense. (...)
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy.
- Quero falar coa embaixada estadounidense/australiana/británica/canadense. (...)
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian consulate.
- Quero falar co consulado estadounidense/australiano/británico/canadense. (...)
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- Quero falar cun avogado. (...)
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- Podo pagar unha multa agora mesmo? (...)