Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county is in Northern Hungary.


Map of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County

Western part

 1 Miskolc (Felsőzsolca, Alsózsolca, Nyékládháza, Onga, Emőd, Sajóbábony)
With the unique cave bath in Miskolctapolca, the third largest city in the country, near the Bükk hills
 2 Ózd (Borsodnádasd)
Main sights are located in the former iron works: the Ózd Museum Collection and Factory History Memorial Park, the Hungarian National Film Theme Park and the Digital Power Plant.
 3 Kazincbarcika (Sajószentpéter, Rudabánya)
Main sights are the Platthy Mansion and Damasa Gorge in Bánhorváti; ruins of Dédes Castle and Lázbérc Water Reservoir in Dédestapolcsány; Museum of Mining History, Rudapithecus Exhibition Site and Heritage House in Rudabánya; Blacksmith Shop, Gothic Reformed Church and Miners Memorial Park in Sajószentpéter.
 4 Mezőkövesd (Mezőkeresztes)
Spa with hot mineral water.
 5 Edelény (Szendrő)
Main sights are the beautiful early Baroque style L'Huillier-Coburg Palace and Borsod Heritage Museum in Edelény; Treasure House, Blue Painter's House, School History Exhibition in Szendrő; Ruins of Pauline Church and Monastery in Martonyi; World's Largest Book in Szinpetri; Ruins of Szádvár in Szögliget; medieval Roman Catholic Church in Tornaszentandrás.
 6 Putnok
Main sight is the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek and Jósvafő with beautiful drip stones and stalagmites, which is part of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other sights include the Gömör Museum and Serényi Mansion in Putnok; Ethnographic Collection and Small Gallery in Gömörszőlős; Heritage House, Hubert Kessler Memorial House, Tarn and Hucul Herd in Jósvafő; Mihály Tompa Memorial House, Mohos House and the Gothic reformed church in Kelemér; Bálint Balassi Memorial Exhibition and Balassa Mansion in Ragály.

Eastern part

 7 Sátoraljaújhely (Pálháza)
Main sights are the Ferenc Kazinczy Museum, Prison Museum, Museum of Hungarian Language, Town Hall, Saint Stephen Church, Pauline-Piarist Church and Monastery, Ferenc Kazinczy Memorial Hall, Zemplén Adventure Park. In the surroundings: Romanesque Church in Felsőregmec, Castle of Füzér, Heritage Museum in Füzér, Károlyi Palace in Füzérradvány, Porcelain Museum in Hollóháza, Forest Railway in Pálháza.
 8 Sárospatak (Cigánd)
Main sights are the Castle of Sárospatak (Rákóczi Museum) and the Scientific Collections of Sárospatak Reformed College. Other sights: Gallery, Basilica, Trinitarian Monastery, Végardó Bath, Tarn on Megyer Hill. In the surroundings: Romanesque Church in Bodrogolaszi, Bodrogköz Museum in Cigánd, Rusyn Heritage Museum in Komlóska, Synagogue Memorial Place in Olaszliszka, Mágóchy-Alaghy-Sennyei Mansion in Pácin, Ethnographic Exhibition Site in Sárazsadány, Wine Museum in Tolcsva.
 9 Szerencs
Home of the Rákóczi Castle.
 10 Encs (Szikszó)
Main sights are the Fáy Mansion in Fáj, Rákóczi Mansion in Felsővadász, medieval Reformed churches in Rásonysápberencs and Szikszó.
 11 Tokaj
A famous wine town producing high quality white wines.
 12 Gönc (Abaújszántó)
Main sights are the Castle of Boldogkő, Castle of Regéc; Hussite House and Gáspár Károlyi Bible Exhibition in Gönc; Bible Visitor Centre and medieval Reformed Church in Vizsoly.

Tiszaújváros and Mezőcsát are described in the Lake Tisza article.

Other destinations

  • 1 Lillafüred Palace Hotel with forest train, park and lake - surrounded by romantic hills
  • 2 Tokaj-Hegyalja. Tokaj wine region (Q828125) on Wikidata Tokaj wine region on Wikipedia historic wine region



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